Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right….

November 09, 2022
To Party.. I mean, for Medical Insurance

Sorry, I had the Beastie Boys song stuck in my head. But, for real, do what they say and FIGHT for your rights!!!! They know what’s up!


The Beastie Boys had it right when they sang, “You’ve got to fight, for your right to party” however I’d say you should also fight for your right to having appropriate medical coverage, and for us amputees, the right to mobility.
As if becoming an amputee is an easy adjustment, mentally, emotionally or physically, we should not have to struggle with the draining process of being initially denied prosthetics and fighting another battle.

Come along with me in this podcast to hear some tips I’ve learned along the way of my own insurance fiasco, denials and all.

Find out what the best piece of advice I was given by my GP prior to my decision to amputate, how I surrounded myself with the right medical team, what I did to “assure” that my insurance plan covered my specific prosthesis and what I did when it all fell apart.

Somewhere along my personal journey I hope you find the tools to help yourself when the time comes to fight for your own medical coverage and how to handle things when they get denied.

Don’t give up!
Never surrender!
Be the squeaky wheel and fight for the life you deserve to live.

Fight!!! Me BEFORE my injury which led to my subsequent amputation

If you know you will need to rely on your medical insurance in the near future, like I did with an amputation, do your research, ask questions, ask more questions. Be prepared!

Don’t take no for an answer-insurance companies always say no first and expect that a majority of people will just quietly go away.

Don’t give up. Ask for help, if you need to, but be proactive, persistent, and strong… for your own health and happiness in the future.

As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!

Much love,