Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Commitment and Consistency Brings Confidence

October 26, 2022

“How long did it take for you to learn to walk?”
“Was it hard to learn to walk in a prosthetic?”
“What helped you get use to your prosthetic?”

I get these questions on a weekly basis from curious onlookers to amputees in wheelchairs.

It took time and commitment. Some would say courage, as well, because it’s hard to learn a basic skill all over again, and the fear of falling, and failing, is so great as we get older.

This week I share the one major thing that helped me conquer using a prosthetic and walking again, with confidence.

GOALS: Commit
My 1st in person race as an amputee, just one year after amputation!



Focus and determination




Now it’s your turn!
Find a virtual race you can push yourself, at your pace, and in your timeframe that works for you.
Sign up and then get to work!
Get excited when the mail arrives with your finishers medal, you earned it!!!

If I can do it, so can you!!

Be the warrior you are meant to be. It’s time to rise and live your best life.

Commit- Be Consistent, Build your confidence!

As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!

Much love,

And don’t forget! TODAY is the final day to join the #14daysofmagic challenge
Go to to order your own pack of Magic Mind TODAY!!! Use my discount code: BEYOU14 to get a discount on your order. And remember to post yourself being productive while you’re using Magic Mind for your chance to win a 1-3 month subscription of Magic Mind!!