Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Party For 1

June 22, 2022
Pity Party For 1, That Is.



Yep, it happens to us all and this past Monday I got myself into that mindset.

However, looking back now, and even that evening, I realized how lucky I am for all the good in my life. Then I had a good laugh at myself and moved on.

You could say that character building happened that day for me and I wanted to share with you what can happen in my life to show you that we all struggle. No one is exempt from struggles. No one is exempt from feeling sorry for themselves. It’s what we do with those moments that make or break us.

As an amputee we can easily fall into a “poor me” attitude and milk it for all it’s worth, mainly because our wounds are very visible to the world. But that is not a good way to live and quite frankly will only disable us further.

If we feed our brains negative images and comments then it’ll believe what we are saying and thinking. And if we fuel our brain with positivity and happy images it’ll believe that too.

What are you speaking to yourself?
Are you in the middle of your own pity party of 1?
If you are, only you can get yourself out of it. Start by finding things in your life you are grateful for and go from there. Once you realize all that is good in your life you will be able to step away from the moment and put your life back into perspective.

Learn from these moments.
Be a warrior and conquer negativity, don’t let it consume you.

Pity parties are bound to happen, and that’s ok. It’s NOT ok to dwell there for days at a time. It won’t be good for you, your health, or the people around you.

Find what’s good, right, and what makes you happy in your life. Thinking of the people and things you are grateful for and move your negative mindset into positive.

Begin today or tonight.
Each night before going to bed (or first thing when you wake) write down, in a journal, at least 5 things you are grateful for.
It’s as simple as that.

Sometimes we lose sight of the big picture and all that we have. When that happens we need to step back, stop looking at our life under the microscope, and realize all that is good in our life. When we can appreciate our life for what it’s worth, we can handle the moments that test us, and push our buttons, a little bit better.
Will that stop the pity parties? No, but you may find you are not dwelling in that headspace as much and you will also see the health benefits if you continually practice a positive way of thinking.

Give it a try for the next 7 days, until we meet again.
Tell me how you feel after practicing positivity for a week, I’d love to hear how it made you feel, any benefits you saw from it, or what happened in your life that pushed you to that pity party breaking point.

Don’t be ashamed that you went there. Own it and then move on. You’ll be grateful you did!

And as always,
Be healthy,
Be happy,

Much love,