Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Finding Comfort in Routine

December 08, 2021
Creating Positive Habits to Live a Healthy Life

The holidays are upon us and the hustle and bustle can really bring us down and out of our routine and comfort zone.

I don’t know about you but when I think about the holidays I think about all the goodies, baked goods, alcohol and dinners out that will be happening with friends and family.  Then I think how this happens every year and by January I hate how I feel.  I have created bad habits, I’m not working out or getting exercise like I should, and I have gained a new and addictive desire for sweets.

NOW is the time to build strong, healthy habits and routines.

To be totally honest, I’m not happy where I am right now.  I have recently let my normal routines go to the wayside, ever since moving homes this past summer. It amazes me that even though I have everything I need for working out right here in my home, a new home with items in different locations has made my habits drop.  I’m use to my workouts being in the evenings in my bedroom, but now my exercise equipment is on the other side of the house.  Something as simple as that has derailed me….I have ALLOWED it to derail me.

No more!

Listen in as I challenge you to approach your holiday gatherings, and the hustle and bustle of this season, with making positive, healthy habits NOW, without giving up indulging in some holiday spirits.

Don’t depend on “New Years Resolutions” to dig you out of a unhealthy hole, stay on top, eat and drink in moderation, BUT start making healthy habits today to keep you strong, happy, and positive throughout the season and beyond. You’ll be glad you did!


  1. Pick a time of day to do a 20-30 minute workout.
  2. Commit to doing it everyday-Saturdays and Sundays, too.
  3. Decide what you need to do: sit ups, push ups, planks, wall sits.  Those are some good basic exercises that require no equipment but can create a good feeling and kick start your new habits.
  4. Drink a full glass of water before every meal.
  5. Enjoy special holiday treats but remember: moderation is key!
  6. Take pictures along the way of your transformation. You’ll be surprised at the changes you’ll see AND it’ll be good to see these pictures down the road a bit when you fail to keep up your routine-we all have those moments that disrupt our progress.  I know I do, and am in one right now.  I looked back a year ago and saw what I looked like and knew I needed to get back at it…so here I am preaching about it. We all need a kick in the pants every now and then.

You got this. Starting now will help you during this time of year when social eating and drinking is at the highest.

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,
