Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Baby Steps

November 03, 2021


What’s holding you back from achieving your goals?

What fears are keeping you from living your best life?

Today I talk about creating baby steps to reaching the goals you have and how I faced a fear of my own yesterday. Baby steps to reaching your goals are still steps toward your goals. They need to be celebrated and you should feel great when you do accomplish them. So much of my past few years you’ve seen me do big things: skiing, surfing, hiking large mountains, but sometimes it’s the small steps that mean the most. Yesterday was one of those days. Join me as I share how stressful yesterday was but how I chose to see the positive in the baby steps. #babysteps #keepmovingforward #runningblade #ottobock #wiggleyourtoes #adaptiveathlete #ampstrong #amputeelife #aka #facingfears #challenges #calltoaction


Gym time

My 1st race
Starting line of the Phoenix Rock n Roll Marathon


2 parts to this week's CTA:

Figure out what is holding you back from achieving something you want, set small, baby step goals to get yourself there.  Like I did yesterday on the treadmill, it was only for 10 minutes and I wasn't running, but I got myself out in public to attempt something I hadn't done in over a year.
Have grace with those around you. We never know what battles people are facing, but assume they are if they aren't being nice, and remind yourself that it has nothing to do with you, and move on.




As always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,
