Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Rock Bottom Isn’t Really Rock Bottom

September 29, 2021

Finding Joy in the Hard Moments

My joy and why I do what I do.
So not everyday is roses.  It may seem like that if you check out some people's social media.  Don't buy it!  We all struggle, and we all go through valleys.  I'm smiling in the photo above because I am surrounded by the people I love, doing something we love- together.  Today, however, as I put on my prosthetic, I realized it didn't feel right.  As I started walking on it I was noticing that I was already hitting the bone at the end of my residual limb on the inside of my socket.  I tried to "walk it off" by literally grabbing my backpack and heading out for a walk, only to realize I just couldn't make it to the end of my block!


That's what was going through my head.  Then, "what if I never get back the level of activity I had last year!?"

ENOUGH! This talk was helping no one.  That's when I decided to share my journey with you.  To put it all out there and show that even when it appears all is going well, that sometimes it's just not.  And for me to give up on an activity is really saying something....especially me sharing that I gave up.

It has to be known, that all of us fall victim to self-doubt, or giving up, or fears.  We are all human, after all.  What makes each one of us different is what we do after we fall.  Do you sit and wallow in self-pity, looking for external things and people to give you strength and value? Or do you pick yourself back up and try again when you're ready?

How we approach the hard times will inevitably be what helps us succeed on our journey called life, or fall short and make us struggle every time things don't go our way.

I want to see you all rise up, challenge yourself, and succeed!  You need to believe in yourself. Believe you ARE strong enough, and make life what you want it to be.

You can do it! Rise up!  Here I am on a great day.
This is where I want to be, this is my goal!



This week stay positive! I know, easier said than done at times. Find something that you CAN do and go do it. Be outside, let the sunshine and Fall weather bring you joy, energy, and some inner peace.  Do something that makes you laugh, and release those positive chemicals in your body.  Don't sit back and ponder all the negatives, that won't do you, or anyone around you, any good.  You deserve more! You deserve better!!


I'm here for you!  Let me know how you're doing.


And remember, as always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,

Sometimes how I feel about my leg!