Balanced Natural Health with Dr. Maz

Balanced Natural Health with Dr. Maz

Latest Episodes

Episode 28: How emotions & mental states can affect our Qi – and how we can restore balance & flow
August 03, 2024

Have you ever felt scattered or ungrounded after a shocking, frightening or distressing event? Or felt so stressed that it changed your breathing pattern? So angry that your chest and head felt hot? S

Episode 27: Treat the individual, not the disease: observing health through a Chinese Medicine lens
July 21, 2024

One of the fundamental tenets of Chinese Medicine is that it listens closely to the messages (symptoms) of the body-mind-soul, and uses that vital information to support the individual in moving towar

Episode 26: Kicking a "Cold" with Chinese Medicine, nourishing the Water element in Winter (and anytime!)
July 06, 2024

Where I live, we are currently in the very depths of Winter - the season of the Water element, which rules the Kidney and Bladder. These channels can be most easily imbalanced by external Cold, and so

Episode 25: What if....?? Towards a new paradigm of health, healing and a new perspective on "immunity".
June 22, 2024

Today I invite you to join me in a thought experiment - a journey of imagination, and perhaps, a dreaming into being of a new world. I think that its really important to ask these questions and consi

Episode 24: My Chinese Medicine journey, healing autoimmue, asthma & digestive "symptoms"
June 06, 2024

In this episode, I share my own journey with Chinese Medicine: both the profound healing I received and my path to practicing this amazing medicine. Throughout my journey in this medicine, I have seen

Episode 23: What is DNS, and how can it revolutionise your strength & movement for more enjoyment of life?!
May 22, 2024

In this episode, I chat with Monique Telfer of Meta Pilates. Monique is a teacher of DNS - Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation - a school of movement that has been absolutely life-changing for me in r

Episode 22: Can you “catch” a cold or “disease” from somebody else, and if not, what are the causes of dis-ease?
May 07, 2024

With the weather getting cooler where I live, I am seeing more and more sniffles and cold-like presentations around me. I am also hearing people talk about catching something from each other or spre

Episode 21: Community Questions on sluggish liver, bone health, menopause, eyesight and more
April 23, 2024

In todays episode, I answer some awesome questions from the community, such as: what are the signs that your liver may be sluggish? what are your thoughts on enemas? how to manage symptoms of m

Episode 20: You are your own healer - health enquiry questions to tune deeper into yourself
April 08, 2024

You are you own healer and you know your body best! Health professionals can offer (often much-needed) help and guidance, but ultimately, you are the expert on YOU, and you are the one having YOUR un

Episode 19: What is Structured Water and why is it vital to vibrant, optimal health?
March 22, 2024

All water is not created equal! We are learning that theres an additional, fourth, phase of water in addition to the three standard ones (ice, liquid water and steam) we were taught at school. This