Balanced Natural Health with Dr. Maz

Balanced Natural Health with Dr. Maz

Episode 30: heartburn, acid reflux, gastritis, ulcers, pain: simple, natural ways to ease the burn

September 02, 2024

In Chinese Medicine, healthy digestion and assimilation of nutrients belongs to the Earth element. It is the foundation for vibrant health and wellness, and so our medicine has many practices and lifestyle tips that support this essential function.

“Symptoms” (or body messages!) like gastritis, indigestion, stomach pain & bloating, ulcers and acid reflux are common in our modern society, reflecting a departure from health practices that have withstood millennia. Luckily, our age-old medicine has many simple dietary tweaks and lifestyle guidelines to help restore balance to the digestion, in turn resolving the conditions mentioned above.

In this episode, I share easy ways that you can support your body to ease stomach pain, burn, bloat and discomfort, and help restore vitality!

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Chinese Medicine is a personalised, functional medicine that treats the individual and the root cause of their presenting imbalance (what conventional medicine would call the symptom, disease or condition). This means that your doctor of Chinese Medicine will work one-on-one with you to achieve a personalised treatment plan. As such, this podcast is for informational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or substitute existing medical advice.

© Copyright Balanced Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine and Dr. Maz Roginski 2024