Magnet For Love

Magnet For Love

Latest Episodes

170 Andrea Crump- Break Free Of His Emotional Hook Over You (Part 2)
November 08, 2017

Are you in love with a man who you know in your heart of hearts is no good for you? But still you can’t seem to find the inner strength to let him go? He is on your mind day and night. You feel miserable and lost without him. And it feels like he...

169 Andrea Crump- Here Is How To Play Men At Their Own Game (Part 1)
November 02, 2017

Andrea has been a part of the pick-up artist community that uses hypnosis to pick up women. Andrea knows the pickup artist secrets and how to beat them at their own game. She going be sharing with you, what you need to know, so that you never get...

168 Amy Waterman- Are You Avoiding Pain Or Pleasure?
October 26, 2017

Dating is stressful, time-consuming, and can feel like too much work. You put all your effort into getting a man to like you … and he ends up breaking your heart. For most of us, our love life is a topic fraught with worry and fear. We worry about...

167 Jennifer Escalera- Heal Your Broken Heart
October 19, 2017

Love can be tough, especially when need to heal a broken heart. Everything can remind you of your past relationships and how things use to be, but you can heal a broken heart, move on and find love again. About Jennifer Escalera Jennifer is a...

166 Arica Angelo- Self- Intimacy
October 12, 2017

What is self-intimacy? When we think of intimacy or love, we think of it as an outside/circumstantial situation that is beyond our control. That we can only get intimacy from being in a relationship with another person. That it comes from outside...

165 Darek Laviolette- An Apology To My Ex Wife
October 05, 2017

Why your relationship is hard now, has everything to do with the past! So, if you are having trouble in your marriage? Wondering why it is so hard? Then listen to Darek and I get real, raw and full of heart conversation about his book helping men keep...

164 David Poggi- Set Your Standards, Men Love It!
September 28, 2017

Men love a woman who knows how to set the standard. She knows how she would like to be treated, how she would like to be loved and can communicate her needs, wants and desires effortlessly. David Poggi shares with you, how to set your standards and...

163 Una Drake - Get Savvy At First Dates & Lower The Risk Of Dead End Relationships
September 21, 2017

Dating can become frustrating when you keep ending up in relationships that are going nowhere. Always meeting men who are emotionally unavailable, don’t commit and after one thing. What if you could get more savvy at first dates, so that you only go...

162 Robert Kandell- The Truth About Men's Sexual Shame
September 14, 2017

Recongise it and talk about. Men’s Sexual Shame this is a real and raw conversation around the challenging topic of Men's sexual shame. This issue affects people of all genders because the lack of an honest conversation around it is leaving men...

161 Hilary Silver- Intimacy In & Out Of The Bedroom
September 07, 2017

Many people think that intimacy means being physically intimate but that is not entirely true. Today we are chatting about the difference between sex and intimacy. So that you can have more intimacy OUT of the bedroom in order to have more passion IN...