Awakening with Amy Robeson

Awakening with Amy Robeson

Episode 55: Healing One Layer at a Time

October 17, 2022

Even when we are committed to our spiritual growth and eagerly seek ways to examine our experiences, how many layers there are to peel back to heal can be a surprise.

We all have triggers and reminders of past events that have enormously impacted our lives. The good news is that as we peel back each layer, we are healing another part of ourselves.

When we get curious about our feelings and reactions, even to events that happened long ago, we can have a profound self-discovery and expand our awareness of who we are and what we are here to do!

In today’s episode, I am excited to share some personal experiences of peeling back layers to find healing, fresh perspective, and gratitude for the blessing of life's lessons!

And, remember…

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