Awakening with Amy Robeson

Awakening with Amy Robeson

Episode 144: Acting on Spiritual Guidance with Brutal Honesty

January 22, 2024

Are you feeling stuck in your life yet denying those feelings? Sometimes, it takes so much courage and spiritual guidance to admit our current reality because we are too afraid of making decisions outside of our comfort zone. Opening up to the Akashic Records, an incredible manifesting spiritual tool, brings support, love, and guidance, especially in moments of doubt and fear. However, transformations and breakthroughs elude us without brutal honesty. Recognize where you're stagnant—whether in money, health, relationships, business, or spirituality. Identifying these areas opens the door to evolution and greater possibilities. Remember, you're bound for greatness. Break free from what shackles you, allowing the universe to speak and work in your life. You've got this!

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