Awakening with Amy Robeson

Awakening with Amy Robeson

Episode 114: How to Heal Your Inner Child: A Path to Self-Love and Wholeness

July 03, 2023

Discover how to heal your inner child. Healing your inner child is a journey of self-love and wholeness. It is about recognizing that you are not broken and do not need fixing. Trauma can come in many forms, from major life events to everyday challenges. Instead of trying to change or ignore these experiences, the focus should be on healing and finding peace. By working with your inner child, you can break free from conditioning and create a more authentic and fulfilling reality. Acknowledging the existence of your inner child is the first step. You can deepen this relationship by practicing simple techniques like acknowledging your inner child, writing letters to your inner child, and doing mirror work. These practices help you establish a loving connection with your inner child and pave the way for healing and self-acceptance.

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