Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

100 Feathers in My Cap (100)
May 11, 2024

Excerpt: "This was truly a project to discover my limits, determine whether or not I am really a writer and speaker and photographer, to determine whether or not I am a creative. I am! And in the p

Stepping on Worms (99)
May 10, 2024

Excerpt: “ Each morning, I carve out time for a walk in the Boise foothills between morning routines with our kids and work. Over the past couple of years, I have walked these trails almost every day.

In Between Places (98)
May 09, 2024

Excerpt: "The thing about bridges is that they are in between places."

Three Drinks (97)
May 08, 2024

She drinks to remember that she is not the job she is doing. That she is not just the job she is doing. Near the bottom of each bottle, she finds possibilities and promise.She drinks a little more to

Power of Being (96)
May 07, 2024

Excerpt: "Now that I am steadily advancing with my easing-into-vocational-life plan, I am finding interesting fears showing up here and there."

Finding Words (95)
May 06, 2024

Excerpt: "In no time, what looked like a barren landscape, what looked like the same thing for mile after mile, what looked uninhabited and uninteresting, changes almost instantly the moment you hear

Unoccupied Space (94)
May 05, 2024

Excerpt: "The beauty has come from the ashes. The beauty is coming from the ashes. The beauty has come from what is no longer there, from the space that the fire created. A clearing. Space to

The Grace to Be (93)
May 04, 2024

Excerpt: "ome days it’s I’ve got it all together. Other days it’s more trying to hold onto and pick up what’s falling apart. Some days feel easy and clear. Other days feel uphill and cloudy."

Closure (92)
May 03, 2024

Excerpt: "It wasn’t until recovering from my brain injuries that I learned and experienced that every “thing” arises with its opposite. It’s commonly referred to as the Law of Opposites. But I had no

Seduced by the Breath (91)
May 02, 2024

Excerpt: "My attempt to find something to disrupt my peace was like riding a bike with a chain that keeps slipping when the gears are stripped, or trying to tighten a nut on a bolt whose threads are a