Feel Good Family Food

Feel Good Family Food

Latest Episodes

Detoxify Your Life with Brianne Pruitt
November 13, 2018

You’ve been focused on feeding your family healthy food and making good choices, but have you spent time to consider the other ways that your family might be getting exposed to chemicals? Today we’re talking to Brianne Pruitt of Hippie Dippie Mom,

“Weird” Non Food Things We Do in the Name of Health (Ep. 32)
November 06, 2018

We’re having a little fun this week as Amy and Emily reveal some of the “weird” non-food things they do in the name of health. Hear about our habits that we feel like make us healthier, even if it’s just mental!

4 Ways to Feel Good About Your Food
October 30, 2018

Are you super busy but still want to feel really good about the food you’re buying and feeding to your family? Are you concerned about how your food choices impact the environment but don’t have a lot of time to spend fine-tuning them?

Tips on More Conscious Food Sourcing (Ep. 30)
October 23, 2018

Join us today as we explore some of the ways that our co-hosts, Amy and Emily, have found to make more conscious food decisions. We share a real parents’ perspective on how we think about buying: produce, seafood, meat, dairy, and eggs.

Lessons from a Farmer with Noah Kellerman (Ep. 29)
October 16, 2018

This week’s episode is for all the parents who want to think more about where their food comes from! Emily is talking with Noah Kellerman of Alprilla Farm in Essex, MA. Noah has tons to share from his perspective as a farmer who is serving local MA fam...

Making More Conscientious Food Purchasing Decisions with Shannon Hulley (Ep. 28)
October 09, 2018

    This week we’re talking with Shannon Hulley, a food-savvy mom who has worked on sustainable purchasing for large catering companies. Shannon brings a realistic and aspirational perspective on what conscientious food purchasing can look like for bus...

Finding what Works in Food and Fitness (Ep. 27)
October 02, 2018

  Emily and Amy are reunited this week to talk about what they learned from their September guests who talked about fitness. Per usual, there are lots of interludes about life, parenting, and food. Plus, they give a sneak peek into the theme for Octobe...

How a Mom of Triplets Fits Fitness In with Marta Spirk (Ep. 26)
September 25, 2018

For our final interview in fitness month, we’re exploring the mindset around fitting fitness in with someone who is more than qualified to talk about it. Marta Sprik is an entrepreneur and mom of 3 two and a half-year-olds. Yes,

Balancing Fitness and Family Life with Rachel Brenke (Ep. 25)
September 18, 2018

  Join us today as Emily talks to Rachel Brenke, mom of 5, USA Triathlete, and lawyer. Now that’s one full plate! In this episode, they’ll explore how Rachel balances a busy family life and demanding career with minding her and her family’s health and ...

The Busy Parent’s Guide to Building Healthy Habits with Brittia Kubeczka
September 11, 2018

We’re so excited to share this interview with Brittia Kubeczka of Fringe and Fitness. Brittia is a mom of two and fitness coach who is all about building a self-care practice that works for you. In this interview we cover: Tips for fitting fitness in A...