The Gentle Rebel Podcast
There is something seriously toxic about the world right now. Every direction you look there is another news story about human poison (religious and political extremism, sex abuse, racism etc).
Societies are being driven apart by political upheaval and unprecedented events. Through the division and conflict caused by these events (Brexit is a big one here in the UK right now), we are intoxicated by the need to be right, to win, to beat the other side…and increasingly, the toxic affect of apathy, shoulder shrugging, and despair.
What do you do when you need to handle something toxic?
When faced with a toxic substance our instinct is generally to protect ourselves. We use things like barriers, protective clothing, and measures to minimise exposure to the source of toxicity.
Desensitised and Safe
A couple of years ago, I was called to a hoarder’s house where a woman had lived for decades, and suddenly died. We were called there in the middle of the night. (Un)fortunately, the lights didn’t work. The house was floor to ceiling with ‘stuff’. There was only the narrowest pathway to the chair where the lady was resting.
My colleague and I had to don disaster suits with face masks so that we were protected from the potential risks that were everywhere. I put three pairs of gloves on, in case of sharps.
It wasn’t until that day that I actually knew what hoarding looked like. Incredibly sad. I will never forget the sights and smells.
In layering up the protection, I was struck by the fact that I was desensitising myself. I couldn’t feel anything with my hands. My vision was restricted because of the hood. And I could hear and feel little more than my own breath through the face mask.
The protection was necessary. But I was also very glad to get out of the situation, and out of the suit.
Protecting Against Toxicity in Everyday Life
We protect ourselves when we encounter toxicity. And there’s a price to it, which we must be aware of. We might use defence mechanisms, shut ourselves off, turn away from the source of toxicity. When we do this, we potentially desensitise ourselves.
In this week’s podcast we look at some of the everyday toxins, which creep into our lives. So that we can better manage how we relate to them, and avoid shutting ourselves off from them all together.
Toxic: Defined
Toxicity is the transformative affect within an organism, which, over time renders it unable to carry out the functions it was created to do.
Toxic is the name we give to a potential source of toxicity.
In this sense, anything can become toxic. Toxicity can emerge anywhere. Even in places that are otherwise healthy. For example, a toxic relationship is one where one partner prevents the other from growing, being, and living life as themselves. They may use tools like abuse, manipulation, and control, to diminish their ability to live in a way that is true to who they are.
This kind of ‘poison’ is not always immediately obvious. It creeps in over time, and it isn’t until there are a lot of toxins already within the organism that you start to notice the transformation that is being caused.
Toxicity in everyday life starts with small doses of intoxication. Just like with drugs or alcohol, we consume toxins, without acknowledging the potential harm they might cause.
People still smoke cigarettes. Even though packets display a terrifying warning about the consequences of doing so.
A glass of wine or cigarette can calm you down and make you feel good. But a few glasses later you might become unable to carry out basic functions. That’s why you’re not allowed to drive. You are intoxicated (rendered incompetent by a toxin).