The Gentle Rebel Podcast
Latest Episodes
Power in persistence
Persistence has powerit can contribute to a better world, but it can also do the opposite, extracting value and coercing people without consent.
Active Hope When The World Is Falling Apart (with Cindy Gale)
Active hope is not "blind hope" or wishful thinking. It's about taking action rather than sitting back and saying, "I hope everything works out OK," or waiting for the technological fix we want to bel
Strength in numbers
Numbers can topple buildings and spark change but can also reduce individuals to statistical fodder and data on a spreadsheet.
No pain, no gain
Without it, we gain nothing. Pain is love, creativity, compassion, and care. Without it, we gain nothing; we simply exist.
It was uncomfortable
Discomfort can be a sign of, and a catalyst for change, a question that pokes and prods, tickling and shaking us awake, even when we would much rather still be asleep.
Power through
Many people perpetually power through on the fumes of our strength and resolve. Its no wonder we are burning out.
Stay strong and carry on
What does it mean to stay strong and carry on? What sort of strength do we need to maintain? Where does it come from? What does it look like?
The Armchair Creative
Are you an armchair creative? You are great at learning, preparing, and researching a field, yet something often stops you from taking action. In this episode of The Gentle Rebel Podcast, we consid
Are You More of a Host, Artisan, or Entertainer? (Notes From a Slow Coach)
Have you ever seen homes lit up at night and wondered what the lights in the windows say about the people inside? Just me? OK then! A recent neighbourhood walk left me thinking about three broad te
Setting Boundaries When You Want to Do it All (with Leah Burkhart)
In this episode of The Gentle Rebel Podcast, I sit down with returning guest and friend of the show, Leah Burkhart, founder of The Healthy Sensitive, to discuss a challenge many highly sensitive peopl