The Gentle Rebel Podcast

#113: Don’t Lose Your Creative Spark Amidst Change and Upheaval [Podcast]
In this episode of the podcast I explore three reasons why during times of change and upheaval it’s so important to express ourselves creatively.
I mentioned in the show that I have created a Patreon page so that if you would like to support Sheep Dressed Like Wolves financially then you can. If you don’t know what Patreon is, it allows you to pledge support (however much you choose) for digital content on an ongoing basis.
This allows you to communicate your support for the show and encourage me to remain consistent in the creation of this content and in constantly seeking to take it to the next level. I am so incredibly thankful to those of you who continue to listen every week and for those of you decide to show your support by becoming a Patreon supporter (list of supporters here).
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Why is it so important to express ourselves creatively during times of change and upheaval?
1. Change Creates Inspiration
New experiences shift our perspective and allow us to see the world from angles we never have before.
I’ve always found songwriting a great way to notice how I feel. It’s vital for my own wellbeing.
We can quickly become normalised to the new reality we experience and can forget about the difference between who we were before and who we are now. Every single person has a different journey and a unique perspective and set of experiences from which to tell their story.
When we think creatively we come up with ideas, when we use those ideas we create change. The change in your life is often the result of creativity, and so the way that you interact with that change will inspire more ideas and creative thinking.Â
There are two kinds of change. Change that happens to us unexpectedly, and change that we play a part in making happen. The only constant that we have above both is the choice in how we respond to it.Â
2. Not Everything Has to Change (keep routine)
Establish and re-establish your routines.
Are there any times during the day that you can make untouchable? For me it’s the early morning. That is my time, that’s when I write and set my day up. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing that day I will always get up at the same time and embark on my consistent morning routine, which involves coffee and writing.
Step back and do a life audit. What has changed? What is missing that you want to get back? Have you stopped exercising? Writing? Picking up your guitar? How much does it matter to you? What are you willing to do or say no to in order to get it back?
3. It Will Settle In TimeÂ
Don’t panic. The early days of change require much more energy than normal; you’re using it in learning, experiencing new things, meeting new people and getting your head around things.
In time things settle down and life becomes normalised.
If you really can’t muster the energy right now then don’t worry.
Journalling at times feels like a massive thing, but I am breaking it down. I write the bear minimum. i.e. What did I do yesterday? A list is better than nothing. Some days that is all I do, other days it turns into a whole post with lots of detail. Starting is the hard part.
Don’t be hard on yourself. Be patient and deliberate.
Over to You
Can you think of any times when you were so busy and stretched but continued to commit to something creative? How did you keep motivated? What was the result of it? Please leave your answer in the comments below.
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