The Gentle Rebel Podcast

The Gentle Rebel Podcast

#096: Engage and Thrive in a Harsh and Insensitive World [Podcast]

October 14, 2014

Is it possible to live in an engaged and enthusiastic way as HSPs and introverts in the face of insensitivity?

Society is not renowned for its sensitivity to the needs, anxieties, and pains of humanity.

In fact we only have to watch certain TV shows to see how brutal it can be. Shows that peddle the dog eat dog reality of a competitive world. Things like the X Factor, The Apprentice, Dragon’s Den etc, don’t dwell for long on the impact of earth-shattering decisions on the individuals involved.

The Other Side

I would be much more interested in watching programs that focus on the other side of the coin. It would be great to follow those people who have been lured in, chewed up and spat out by the insensitive machine.

How do they cope? How do they pick themselves back up? What do they do with their hopes and dreams in the face of rejection?

That would be a much more inspiring and helpful show for most of us. Exploring the realities of encountering an insensitive world.

Because this is where most of us are at.

We are trying to find ways to reconcile our in insecurities anxieties, and fears with a world that doesn’t really care. We’re all in that together.

In this episode of the podcast I look at 7 truths that we can use in order to shift our mindset and cope with high insensitivity. I believe that everybody has something positive to bring to the table and hiding away from the world is not an option.

But what do we need to understand if we are going to begin to survive and potentially thrive as sensitive people in an insensitive world?

  1. It is Not Personal
  2. It is Natural
  3. It Can be Re-Written
  4. It is Not Your Reason for Being
  5. It Will Try to Belittle Your Impact
  6. It Appears Worse Than it Really is
  7. It Distracts You From Your Choices


Michael Hyatt

David Foster Wallace

Jeff Goins

Image Credit: Slipping designed by Luis Prado from the Noun Project

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