Ashtanga Dispatch Podcast

Ashtanga Dispatch Podcast

Latest Episodes

Podcast Ep 10: Greg Nardi
August 05, 2015

You know that saying, be careful what you ask for? - Well get ready - because I sure wasn't when I asked David Garrigues to sit down with me last week to talk a little about Parampara, that student-teacher relationship and how, in yoga,

Podcast Ep 9: David Garrigues Returns
May 20, 2015

You know that saying, be careful what you ask for? - Well get ready - because I sure wasn't when I asked David Garrigues to sit down with me last week to talk a little about Parampara, that student-teacher relationship and how, in yoga,

Podcast Episode 8: David Keil
April 27, 2015

If you only know David Keil through his Yoga Anatomy website ... or through his Anatomy workshops and DVDs ... or even his Functional Yoga Anatomy book, recently released ... then I'd say, you have only even barely scratched the surface. - Until now,

Podcast Episode 7: Christine Hoar
March 25, 2015

"I didn’t realize what we were missing until we met her." - That's what Jen René said to me after spending a day with Christine Hoar, a woman who has 20 years experience practicing and teaching Ashtanga yoga. - Now, if you’re a woman in this practice,

Podcast Episode 6: Tim & Kino
February 23, 2015

Welcome to Ashtanga Dispatch: The Podcast Episode 6 and meet Tim Feldmann & Kino MacGregor who, between the two of them, sure have a lot of yogic wisdom to share. Yet after listening today, you'll also see why they also have a thing or two to share abo...

Podcast Episode 5: Aliya Weise
February 05, 2015

Welcome to Ashtanga Dispatch: The Podcast Episode 5 and meet Aliya Weise of Ashtanga San Diego and #ThePeoplesAshtangaYoga. - Aliya is one of those impassioned people who speaks from the heart - straight to the heart. In fact, his essay,

Podcast Episode 4: David Robson and Stan Byrne
January 19, 2015

If I could use only one word to describe both David and Stan, it would be devoted. Devoted to their children, their community, their practice, their teacher (Sharath Jois) and of course - each other. Sure, there have been bumps in the road like,

Podcast Episode 3: Taylor Hunt
December 29, 2014

In Episode 3, we would like you to meet Authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher, Taylor Hunt. - Taylor appears to have it all: beautiful wife, two adorable children, and a vibrant Ashtanga Mysore community he is growing and leading in Columbus, Ohio.

Podcast Episode 2: John Churchill
December 11, 2014

This episode, Peg sits down for a one on one with her meditation teacher John Churchill, a widely known teacher and psychologist.

Ashtanga Dispatch: The Podcast | Episode 1
November 24, 2014

I am very excited to share with you one of the people most important to my ashtanga practice and my life, my teacher David Garrigues.