The AC Podcast

The AC Podcast

Latest Episodes

Zombie Culture Pt. 4
May 14, 2015

We wrap up the Zombie Culture series with this 4th and final episode. We are joined by a new staff member, Chris Battle. He will be working alongside Andy and Steve as the new Associate of Apologetics Canada.

A Little Detour with Steve Pt. 3: Inside Hitler’s World
May 06, 2015

Apologetics Canada Podcast is back with another round of a little detour with Steve. Today’s topic: Adolf Hitler. Select Quotes from the Show [M]y feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter… …In boundless love as a Christian ...

Zombie Culture Pt. 3
April 29, 2015

God Creates Human Relationship “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up...

Zombie Culture Pt. 2
April 21, 2015

If you would like to (pre-)order the 2015 conference DVD, visit our web store here. Click the “DVD” tab. Definitions we used in this week’s episode anthropomorphic: Giving human characteristics to things theomorphic: Giving divine characteristics to th...

A Little Detour with Steve Pt. 2: Is Hell Fair?
November 30, 2014

Andy is still absent and, in the meantime, Steve will be sharing with you what he’s been learning. In this week’s episode, Steve will explore a topic that is disturbing to most people – the doctrine of hell.

A Little Detour with Steve Pt. 1: Crusades
November 23, 2014

Andy is gone for the next little while. In the meantime, Steve will be sharing with you what he’s been learning. In this week’s episode, Steve will explore the Crusades and some of our misconceptions about them.

Zombie Culture Pt. 1
November 18, 2014

Andy will be attending the Evangelical Theological Society / Evangelical Philosophical Society annual meeting this week. Evangelical Theological Society website Evangelical Philosophical Society website Definitions we used in this week’s episode Zombie...

Pope Francis, the Big Bang, and the Theory of Evolution
October 31, 2014

Here are a few articles on Pope Francis’ “groundbreaking” endorsement of the Big Bang and the theory of Evolution: Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not ‘a magician with a magic wand’ from

What We’ve Been Up To
October 24, 2014

Jon Morrison has moved on to take a pastoral position. What is Launch? Check out where Apologetics Canada is headed. Registration is open for Apologetics Canada Conference 2015! Jon’s legacy – Boot Camp

Reflections on Easter
April 15, 2014

The conference is finally done and, much to the relief of Andy, Jon and Steve, the pace has slowed down a bit. What are their thoughts on this year’s conference? The greatest celebration in the life of the church is just ahead of us – the Easter Sunday...