The AC Podcast

The AC Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Genesis Challenge: How Ancient Israel Would Have Understood Life’s Origins
October 06, 2016

Few topics are more contentious in the Evangelical world than the interpretation of the Genesis creation account. Sometime ago, Christianity Today ran an article of an interview with Professor John Walton who teaches the Old Testament at Wheaton Colleg...

Corrupting Science: What’s Really Driving Discovery
September 30, 2016

Modern science is often hailed today as the objective source of knowledge about our world. Still, however, this enterprise is a human endeavour. How much of what we know from modern science can we trust? Join Andy, Steve,

Science Fiction is Now: Reproduction without Sex
September 22, 2016

Imagine if you could take a skin cell and develop them into an egg and a sperm, then go on to edit the DNA to select red hair and blue eyes. This may have been science fiction a few decades ago, but this is becoming reality.

A Transgender Argument for God’s Existence
September 15, 2016

Have you considered how the power centre has shifted over the course of our history? What do we appeal to as an authority today? Also, which worldview can best account for what the transgender community is experiencing – naturalism or theism?

Covert Christians: Are Missionaries Dishonest?
September 08, 2016

There are Christians missionaries working in so-called “sensitive regions.” In these places, missionaries, local or otherwise, face persecution, prosecution, and even death. This drives many missionaries to “go undercover” often working as business own...

Just Because I Can: The Dehumanizing Effect of Trolling
September 01, 2016

If you spend any amount of time on social media platforms, you’ve either seen trolling or been trolled yourself. A TIME Magazine journalist shares some intriguing remarks and insights in his article on this widespread and often destructive online pheno...

Generation ME-sunderstood
August 25, 2016

Millennials are often mocked for being thin-skinned and overly PC, from parody songs to a TV show. This is a generation that infuriates some and puzzles others. Yet, some are speaking up in their defense. Join Andy, Steve,

Questions, Questions, Questions
August 19, 2016

Steve has just returned from a youth summer camp where he taught some apologetics. There were loads of questions, many of which he didn’t have time to answer. He tackles some of those questions today. Outro Music “Nameless: the Hackers Title Screen” by...

I’ve Got the Power!: Authority, Power, Corruption, and Andy’s Crystal Ball
August 12, 2016

Underneath what is immediately obvious to us, there is often a current of history and worldviews. This is certainly so in the case of incest between a 36-year-old mom and her 19-year-old son who claim that they have a case of Genetic Sexual Attraction....

Lesser of Two Evils?: To Vote or Not to Vote, That is the Question
August 04, 2016

We sometimes face ethical dilemmas in our lives. Some are relatively inconsequential. Others, like the presidential election in the most powerful country in the world, have grave consequences. With higher stakes,