The AC Podcast

The AC Podcast

Latest Episodes

Based on a True Story (Pt. 1)
December 14, 2016

We are all familiar with the nativity story. The message behind it is wonderful; God broke into human history as a helpless babe to wage war against evil so that he might, out of the riches of his grace, rescue the very rebels who spit in his face.

Stand Your Ground: Are Conservative Theologies Causing Growth?
December 08, 2016

Maclean’s has recently published an article examining churches in Ontario that are growing and declining. They found a common thread in all of this: those churches that stand their ground and hold to conservative theologies are seeing growth,

Meet Lucille: Advent and The Walking Dead
December 01, 2016

There are all kinds of things that are being sold out on the market. Some are mundane, but others are… disturbing to say the least. Andy came across one such item during his “Black Ops Friday” shopping expedition.

Over-Exposed: A Culture of Anxiety and Depression
November 24, 2016

CORRECTION: Clearly, by “double vasectomy” Andy really meant “double mastectomy.” There seems to be an epidemic of anxiety and depression among our adolescents in North America. From the post-9/11 tension and the housing market crash of 2008 to the hyp...

Word of the Year: Post-truth
November 18, 2016

Each year, Oxford Dictionaries announces their Word of the Year. This year, their word of choice is post-truth, an adjective defined as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than ...

Is America Great Again?
November 09, 2016

In this 100th(!) episode of AC Podcast, the Apologetics Canada team discusses the unlikely that has just become reality. Donald J. Trump, against all expectations, has been elected as the next president of the United States of America. What are Andy,

For the Spirit Tells Me So?
November 03, 2016

Angel feathers, gold dust, holy laughter, being slain in the Spirit… If you are familiar with these terms, you have probably been (or still are) in the charismatic movement. Known for its fervency and zeal,

Pro-life Thoughts on a Culture of Death
October 27, 2016

Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, celebrated its 100th anniversary recently. It has been celebrated by many, including prominent political figures such as the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada.

Thou Shalt Say: How Gender Pronouns are Killing Free Speech
October 19, 2016

A well-respected psychology professor from the University of Toronto is embroiled in controversy after releasing video lectures criticizing the gagging of free speech in relation to Bill C-16. Jordan B. Peterson says that the proposed law scares him fo...

InterVarsity, Theological Purge, and Cultural Outrage
October 18, 2016

TIME has picked up on a story of InterVarsity, the largest evangelical campus ministry, requiring its employees to do a “theological alignment check,” particularly in matters of homosexuality and same-sex marriage.