The AC Podcast

The AC Podcast

Latest Episodes

One Thousand Churches: Church Planting in Québec
December 26, 2019

In Christian circles, when we think of places that need missionaries sent, we typically think of developing countries on the other side of the globe. The province of Québec in Canada is probably not the first place that will come to mind. Yet,

#WakeupOlive: Understanding Resurrection Power
December 19, 2019

Recently, a young daughter of a Bethel singer died in her sleep. The singer's family is calling for a miracle, appealing to Jesus' "resurrection power" to raise the child from the dead. The church is rallying around them, joining them in the prayer.

Living a Lie: Parenting Advice from an Atheist
December 12, 2019

Everyone seems to recognize that mental health problems are on the rise in our culture. Loneliness is feeding anxiety and depression, and this is becoming an acute problem especially among teens. On the other hand,

So the Next Generation Will Know: An Interview with Sean McDowell
December 06, 2019

When you hear the word "Gen-Z," what words come to your mind? What does that say about the way you relate to this generation? As we relate to a generation that learned to use smartphones before they were able to talk,

The Good Place: A Discussion on Heaven and Hell
November 28, 2019

From angels playing harps on clouds while eating cream cheese, to horned red devils torturing people with pitchforks, many of us grew up with notions of heaven and hell. Yet, how much of it is Scriptural and how much of it cultural? Andy, Terry,

Reporting In from San Diego
November 23, 2019

One of the highlights for the AC team is that they get to travel once a year to the US to attend meetings of some of the top Evangelical scholars. This year, the team finds itself in sunny California. Andy, Terry,

Jesus is King: A Conversation about Kanye and John Crist
November 15, 2019

There have been rumblings for some time regarding Kanye West's conversion to Christianity. The rumblings were put to rest when he released the now-chart-topping album, Jesus is King. Some are enthused, while others are skeptics.

Unnatural Selection: The Future of Human Directed Evolution
October 31, 2019

We are living the science fiction. What was thought to be impossible only half a century ago is now becoming reality. With the development of technology like CRISPR-Cas9, we are able to "pop the hood" of human genome and edit ourselves.

Einstein’s God
October 25, 2019

There are many household names from Google to Kleenex, from Ford to Justin Bieber. When it comes to science, few names loom larger than that of Albert Einstein. With such an iconic status, many are interested in his religious views.