American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

20-Yr-Old Activist Joey Siu: Communist China Threatens Not Just Hong Kong, But All Free Nations [20191207]
December 09, 2019

Why does Hong Kong student protester Joey Siu believe the protests are stronger without a leader? Why does she think Hong Kong police are purposefully trying to make the protestors more violent? Why is the situation in Hong Kong inseparable from the...

Cardinal Zen: Spiritual “Slavery” in China: Will Hong Kong Be Next? [20191205]
December 06, 2019

As part of an older generation, how does 87-year-old Cardinal Joseph Zen view the Hong Kong protests and the leadership of the younger Hong Kong-ers fueling them? Why does Cardinal Zen describe the situation in Hong Kong as a “war”? And how, in...

Jason Johnson: Ted Cruz’s Campaign Brain on What Americans Actually Care About [20190625]
December 05, 2019

In this episode of American Thought Leaders, we sit down with Jason Johnson, the chief political strategist for Senator Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign. Johnson also played an important role in Cruz’s election and re-election to the United...

Lawyer Daniel Wong: Hong Kong’s Youth Are Fighting For All Of Us [20191203]
December 04, 2019

Just what exactly is the fate of the approximately five thousand Hong Kong protesters who have been arrested? As a pro-bono lawyer for those Hong Kong protestors, what has Daniel Wong’s experience been like defending them? And, how, in his view,...

Rep. Van Taylor: Trump “Keeping Iran's Expansionist Hopes in Check” [20190524]
December 02, 2019

Is Iran testing America's resolve in the Middle East? And what can the Trump administration do in response? Is there a threat of war on the horizon? And what can America do to deal with cyberattacks from China? This is American Thought Leaders and I'm...

Doug Wead: In Their Own Words: Creating An Official Record of the Trump Presidency [20191127]
November 30, 2019

Why is a presidential historian receiving death threats for writing an officially sanctioned book about an American presidency? In the eyes of Doug Wead, who was given unprecedented access to people associated with the Trump presidency, what are its...

Dr. Arthur Waldron: Hong Kong Protest, US China Trade War & China’s Inevitable “Disintegration” [20191126]
November 28, 2019

Why is Hong Kong’s special status most likely permanently over, in the eyes of preeminent China scholar Arthur Waldron? What key mistakes have US leaders, such as Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, made in regards to China over the past five...

Kevin Chavous: Fixing America’s Education Crisis [20190410]
November 26, 2019

America is in an education crisis. An estimated two thirds of America's high school graduates are neither career, nor college ready. In this episode of American Thought Leaders, we talk with Kevin Chavous, a leading school choice advocate and...

Courtney Litvak: How Traffickers Brainwashed Me Into Selling Myself [20191122]
November 25, 2019

How does a teenager become a target for trafficking at her upscale suburban high school in Katy, Texas? How does a pimp brainwash someone to the point they leave home and then sell themselves for the pimp? How does a victim escape and rebuild their...

Pastor Bob Fu: Why China Poses an ‘Existential Threat’ to America [20190413]
November 23, 2019

In this episode of American Thought Leaders, we sit down with Pastor Bob Fu, who escaped persecution in China twenty years ago to found China Aid, a Texas-based Christian nonprofit promoting religious freedom for all. We discuss the reasons for Pastor...