American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

Jeff Carlson: Horowitz Report & Testimony Provide Historic Condemnation of FBI’s Surveillance Actions [20191217]
December 19, 2019

Amidst the media spin about the recent Department of Justice IG report, what is the real bottom line? What does it mean for the FBI and its future? Did Inspector General Horowitz really find that there was no bias in the opening of the Russia probe?...

Larry Elder: No Grounds for Impeachment — on Trump Derangement Syndrome, IG Report & Identity Politics [20191216]
December 18, 2019

In the eyes of radio talk show personality Larry Elder, does the Horowitz IG Report on FISA abuse possibly vindicate the FBI, as some have been suggesting? Why does Larry think that the Democrat-led Trump impeachment efforts are likely to backfire,...

RFA Uyghur Journalist Gulchehra Hoja: Why China’s Communist Party ‘Hates All Religion’ [20191216]
December 17, 2019

What convinced Gulchehra Hoja, a former producer for a state-controlled TV station in Xinjiang, China, to risk her life and defect to America? Why has the Chinese Communist Party detained over one million Uyghur Muslims in re-education camps in...

Parler CEO John Matze: Massive, Unexpected Growth On New Free Speech Platform, Bypassing Shadow Bans [20190612]
December 16, 2019

Today we sit down with Parler co-founder and CEO John Matze, who seeks to re-create social media into what is, in his eyes: a true public square. We look at the world of social media through his eyes, and discuss his hopes for this budding new...

Defending My Home: An Insider’s View Of the Hong Kong Protest [20191215]
December 15, 2019

How exactly does an apolitical young Hong Konger end up on the front lines of the Hong Kong protests? How did he lose his faith in the Hong Kong police, which he had always held in high regard? What is it like actually facing off against riot police?...

Brian Kennedy: On America’s Greatest Threats - Russia or China? [20190430]
December 14, 2019

The Mueller Report showed that Russia did indeed interfere in the 2016 election but that there was no “Russia collusion” with the Trump campaign. The biggest threat facing America today, however, is not Russia, but China. In this episode of...

Victor Davis Hanson: Spygate, Impeachment & the Assault on Trump For Undoing the Progressive Agenda [20191212]
December 13, 2019

In the eyes of classicist Victor Davis Hanson, how does the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump evoke ancient Greek tragedy, notably the concepts of hubris and nemesis? Why is IG Horowitz’s report on FISA abuse unlikely to satisfy...

Lawmaker Alvin Yeung: Breaking Down How Hong Kong Elections Work & Why Carrie Lam Should Be Impeached [20191210]
December 12, 2019

How is the current election system in Hong Kong stacked against the pro-democracy camp? Why is the pro-democracy victory in the recent district council election so significant? How does this play into the selection of Hong Kong’s next chief...

Activist Benedict Rogers: Hong Kong Protest: "Front Line in the Battle Between Freedom & Repression" [20190718]
December 11, 2019

Just what galvanized 2 million people, over a quarter of Hong Kong's population, to protest in the streets? And why are so many of them still out there? If Hong Kong loses rule of law, what would be the broader implications? What are some of the most...

Benny Tai: David v. Goliath: Strategies of the Hong Kong Protest [20191208]
December 10, 2019

In the eyes of legal scholar and activist Dr. Benny Tai, why was Hong Kong’s 2014 Umbrella Movement a big success, even though it did not achieve its goals? How has the pro-democracy movement evolved over the years and become smarter in its...