American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

Lee Smith: Clinesmith Likely Just 1st Indictment [20200822]
August 23, 2020

The Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the Mueller investigation, the impeachment inquiry, the “weaponization of the coronavirus,” and now the riots raging in major U.S. cities are all intrinsically linked, says investigative journalist Lee Smith....

Ken Cuccinelli: DHS Tackling Drug Cartels, Illegal Immigration, & China Forced Labor [20200820]
August 22, 2020

Recently, border patrol officers found 7 tons of marijuana hidden in what was supposed to be a shipment of limes. And they found over 600 pounds of methamphetamine disguised in a cactus shipment. COVID-19 restrictions on border crossings have made it...

James Lindsay: Inside the Radical Left [20200818]
August 21, 2020

Why are mathematicians saying 2+2 doesn’t necessarily equal 4? Why are protestors toppling statues of not only slave owners but also abolitionists? Why were executives at a leading nuclear research lab in America sent to mandatory training that...

Leung Kwok Hung: Orwellian Terror Grips Hong Kong [20200817]
August 18, 2020

An Orwellian “reign of terror” has descended on Hong Kong, says pro-democracy activist and former legislator Leung Kwok-hung, also known as “Longhair.” Hong Kong authorities have arrested pro-democracy activists like 23-year-old Agnes Chow and...

Sean Hannity: “China Will Only Respond to Strength,” the Socialism Threat, 2020 Election & Fake News [20200815]
August 16, 2020

Sean Hannity fears for the future of America and the world. And he’s written his first book in ten years as a warning: “Live Free Or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink.” In this episode, we sit down together to discuss. This is American...

Curtis Ellis: China Sanctions, Hong Kong Media Mogul Jimmy Lai Arrested & TikTok Ban [20200811]
August 12, 2020

The U.S. recently banned the Chinese-owned WeChat and TikTok apps, sanctioned officials and a giant PLA-affiliated company for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and made moves to crack down on Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges that...

Dave Brat: Should the U.S. Decouple from China? [20200808]
August 10, 2020

Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges have a combined market capitalization of over half a trillion dollars. But they don’t comply with American financial regulations, because Beijing restricts access to full audits. Congressional members...

Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan Exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 Coverup [20200805]
August 06, 2020

Since the outbreak began, over 18 million people have contracted coronavirus. The global economy is facing the worst crisis since the Great Depression. And statistics say over 700,000 people have died. But was all of this preventable? Dr. Li Meng Yan...

Rep. Ken Buck: Radical Left Tactics to Divide America, Rewrite History [20200805]
August 05, 2020

Violence and calls for “revolution” have engulfed Portland, Oregon and other major U.S. cities. Rioters have attacked police officers with rocks, bottles, bricks, and fireworks. Authorities have responded with tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper...

Michael Shellenberger: How Climate Crisis Hysteria Hijacked Environmentalism [20200801]
August 02, 2020

A senior UN environmental official once told the Associated Press that governments have a ten-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control. When was the article written? 1989. In the decades that...