American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

Sen. Mike Lee: How the Supreme Court Was Politicized & Why Amy Barrett Is Likely Trump's Pick [20200924]
September 25, 2020

2020 is a year with no precedent, raising many questions about the nature and future of the American republic. And even more so with the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Will the Supreme Court seat be filled before November?...

Rebeccah Heinrichs: Communist China Exploits Gaps in US Military [20200923]
September 24, 2020

For years, the Chinese Communist Party has aggressively sought to modernize its military, with a focus on anti-satellite weapons, hypersonic missiles, and cyberspace. “What China has been doing, really since the 90s, is invest heavily in the kinds...

Ryan Girdusky: 'How The Elites Created the National Populist Revolution' [20200921]
September 21, 2020

For a lot of people, the term, “populism” has negative connotations. What explains the popularity of leaders like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Narendra Modi, and Boris Johnson? In this episode, we sit down with Ryan Girdusky, co-author of...

Sen. Ted Cruz: The Strategy to ‘Defeat’ China’s Communist Party [20200919]
September 19, 2020

“China and the Chinese government is the new evil empire,” says Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). While engaging in crimes against humanity, the regime in Beijing has managed to subvert many aspects of American society, from Hollywood, to academia, to...

Christopher Rufo: Critical Race Theory & the Trump Admin’s Recent Ban [20200915]
September 16, 2020

A month ago, Christopher Rufo reported that a major U.S. nuclear lab—the Sandia National Laboratories—had forced all its white male executives to attend a “white men’s caucus” to educate them on their “white privilege.” He discovered...

Ja’Ron Smith: Police & Criminal Justice Reform, & Why Violent Protest Isn’t the Answer [20200912]
September 13, 2020

White House official Ja’Ron Smith grew up in a low-income family in Cleveland, Ohio. His father shoveled snow and paved roads, while his mother worked at a gas station after struggling for years from an opioid addiction. Now Smith is Deputy...

Maura Moynihan: How Communist China Weaponized the Waters of Asia [20200907]
September 08, 2020

Months of heavy rain have battered China with record floods. And there are growing fears that the Three Gorges Dam may break. It’s the world’s largest hydroelectric project, and it’s been marred by controversy for decades. A breach of the Three...

Roger Simon: The Moral Narcissism of the Radical Left [20200903]
September 03, 2020

America seems to be descending into chaos. Many feel this nation is coming apart at its seams. Back in 2016, Roger Simon explained what’s going on in our culture today in his book “I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If...

Ambassador Sam Brownback: Communist China 'Biggest Enabler of Human Rights Abuses Around the World' [20200829]
August 30, 2020

The Chinese Communist Party touts itself as a global leader. And it is a leader. It’s leading the world in persecution, says Sam Brownback, the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. From forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong...

Carter Page: Kevin Clinesmith Guilty Plea, FISA Abuse & His New Book [20200825]
August 26, 2020

For the last four years, former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page has found himself at the center of the now-disproven Trump-Russia collusion allegations. Last year, Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the FBI’s applications for warrants...