American Epistles

American Epistles

Latest Episodes

“I was awakened … by the low roar of guns.” (Hello Girls, Mini Episode)
May 20, 2019

"I was awakened ... by the low roar of guns." (Hello Girls: Mini Episode)

“We fed them what we had.” (Women’s Welfare Work in WWI, Part 3)
May 05, 2019

"We fed them what we had." (Women's Welfare Work in WWI: Part 3)

“Don’t drop them pies!” (Women’s Welfare Work in WWI, Part 2)
April 20, 2019

"Don't drop them pies!" (Women's Welfare Work in WWI: Part 2)

“We washed the men and the floors.” (Women’s Welfare Work in WWI, Part 1)
April 06, 2019

"We washed the men and the floors." (Women's Welfare Work in WWI: Part 1)

“My wound is all healed.” (The 372nd Infantry, Mini Episode)
March 17, 2019

"My wound is all healed." (The 372nd Infantry: Mini Episode)

“I have the right not to vote.” (Women’s Suffrage, Mini Episode)
March 02, 2019

"I have the right not to vote." (Women's Suffrage: Mini Episode)

“Our child cries for you.” (Loved Ones of Black Civil War Soldiers, Mini Episode)
February 16, 2019

"Our child cries for you." (Loved Ones of Black Civil War Soldiers: Mini Episode)

“Nothing here but money.” (The Great Migration, Part 3)
February 02, 2019

“South State Street was in its glory then, a teeming Negro street with crowded theatres, restaurants and cabarets.  And excitement from noon to noon.  Midnight was like day.  The street was full of workers and gamblers, prostitutes and pimps,

“We will do any kind of work.” (The Great Migration, Part 2)
January 19, 2019

Prior to World War I, African Americans had plenty of reasons to want to leave the South. But they had little reason to believe that life would be better in the North. But the “War to End All Wars” created unprecedented labor opportunities for southe...