Alien Theorists Theorizing

Alien Theorists Theorizing

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Case File 154-Charlie Red Star
September 04, 2020

In May of 1967, Stefan Michalak was out hunting for quartz when a group of geese had seemingly been spooked by two glowing cigar shaped objects. Michalak’s encounter at Falcon Lake would go on to produce one of Canada’s most well known UFO encounters. A l

Case File 153-Bachelor’s Grove
August 28, 2020

Set in what is now the Rubio Woods Forest Preserve just 18 miles southeast of Chicago, Illinois sits an unassuming plot of land that houses an estimated 150 graves. These graves, the first burial taking place in 1844, have long been untended and are in va

Case File 152-The Robert Taylor Incident.
August 21, 2020

Holding the title of UFO capital of Scotland, the city of Bonnybridge racks up around 300 mysterious sightings a year. In 1992 the first sighting was reported by businessman, James Walker, who claimed to have seen a ‘star-shaped’ flying low over the road

Case File 151-The Zodiac Murders
August 14, 2020

In the early hours of July 5th, 1969, a phone call to the police in Blue Rock Springs, California would connect two double murders and begin the search for one of the most notorious serial killers of all time. The saga of the police’s search for a murdere

Case File 150-The Akashic Records
August 07, 2020

Over 1000 years ago Hindu religious texts described an ethereal realm where humans could potentially access information on all that is, was, and will be. A type of interdimensional data cloud where all events from a person’s past lives and futures could b

Power Hour #17
July 30, 2020

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Case File 149-The Abduction of Herbert Schirmer
July 24, 2020

In 1966 the United States Air Force funded a group of scientists working at the University of Colorado to perform an in-depth review of Project Blue Book. In addition to examining the UFO files provided by the U.S. military and civilian UFO groups, the sc

Case File 148-Exogenesis: Human Hybrids with Bruce Fenton
July 17, 2020

This case file, the Theorists are joined by published author Bruce Fenton. In his latest book he has compiled evidence and arguments for the idea that Humans are not solely products of random genetic mutations but our evolution was aided and guided by the

Case File 147-The Andreasson Abduction
July 10, 2020

In J. Allen Hynek’s 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry , UFO and extraterrestrial encounters were classified into 3 distinct categories. Beyond this original classification by the head of the Air Force’s Project: Blue Book , other scientis

Case File 146-The Bogeyman
July 03, 2020

It’s half past midnight and something has woken you up. Was it a bump within your bedside closet? If you peer into the darkness where your shirts normally hang, will a pair of glowing red eyes be looking right back? Was it just the pipes settling or is it