Alien Theorists Theorizing

Alien Theorists Theorizing

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Cosmic Channels | 3.3
June 30, 2021

You are not alone! Reaching out across the world to hear from those that have had their own experiences with the paranormal, Cosmic Channels is here to take your calls. Join The Theorists, Zel, Braden, Dan, and Andrew as they open up the lines to people w

Case File 194-The Waverly Hills Sanatorium
June 25, 2021

Tuberculosis, also known as the Great White Plague, had killed one in seven people that had ever lived by the early 19th century. A disease that was once thought to be genetic, it became a scourge that would rise to a peak in places like Europe where it w

Theorists In The Desert 6 | Richard Dolan
June 23, 2021

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-b

Case File 193-Vimanas
June 18, 2021

More than 50 years ago, Erich Von Daniken published his arguably most influential piece of work Chariots of the Gods that posited extraterrestrials may have been represented as deities in the days of human antiquity. These figures in ancient mythology pos

Who and Where Is Alien Theorists Theorizing?
October 14, 2020

Hello, Theorites.  If you are going through our back catalogue or you have found us for the very first time, thanks for listening! After 5 years of podcasting, Alien Theorists Theorizing is joining the growing list of great podcasters exclusively on

Case File 159-Operation Paperclip
October 09, 2020

In 1957 the U.S. Chemical Corps of Engineers had been producing chemical munitions, using the deadly sarin nerve gas, to fulfill their stockpile requirements set by the U.S. Department of Defense. After filling these quotas, the Chemical Corps pivoted the

Case File 158-The Val Johnson Incident
October 02, 2020

During the 1970's the possibility of global nuclear war was still treated as a very real threat. Both the U.S. and Soviet Union were caught in a seemingly endless race of nuclear weapon proliferation. In the northern state of Minnesota, the U.S. had const

Case File 157-The Tomb of Qin Shi Huang
September 25, 2020

In 221 BC, after a swift and brutal campaign of reunification, the king of the Qin nation declared himself sole ruler over the lands that would later become modern-day China. Giving himself the title of Shi Huangdi, or “First Emperor”. For nearly two thou

Case File 156-The Buff Ledge UFO Encounter
September 18, 2020

In the United States, there are a few contenders for the title UFO capital. You might think it’s New Mexico, with its sprawling deserts and history of UFO crashes and secret military bases. You may guess it’s California, covering two-thirds of the west co

Case File 155-The Rougarou
September 11, 2020

During the 1700’s thousands of French settlers were expelled from the Northeastern region of North America and were forced to return to France or resettle in various other areas. One of the most popular destinations was the then Spanish colony of Louisian