After Dubs Podcast

After Dubs Podcast

Latest Episodes

Free Nights and Weekends
February 12, 2020

Dubs crew revisits Tic Tac UFO and debates the legitimacy of illegal baseball tactics. Jlo vs Shakira, Astros cheating, and a call from Belichick. Out with the old Academy Awards and in with the new

After Decade Dubs
January 29, 2020

After Dubs decade in review.  We start with sloppy Jewel trivia, then we move to sloppy top 4 lists.  If you like lists and controversial results, this podcast is for you.  The air-worthinesss of helicopters comes under fire and the...

Sub Salt and Pepper
January 21, 2020

The gang throws a giant ball bearing at the cybertruck and gives a definitive Star Wars ranking while kinda sorta watching A New Hope.  Back to the 90s night with Alanis Morissette trivia and what to do when Home Alone as adults.  Brought to...

After Dubs Strikes Back
January 12, 2020

After a baby hiatus, the crew takes stock of the ongoing Streaming Wars, Baby Yoda black market, NBA mid-season tournaments, and the Peloton controversy. Anthony clones pets, Kev does accents, shake off the dust..dubs comes out of the gate hard and...

50+ Teaser
January 09, 2020

After Dubs Returning Soon

50: Watercooler Whiplash
March 07, 2019

Taxes Suck!

49: Peeisoo
February 03, 2019

They The Real Super Bowl

48: Alexa, Play CES Podcast
January 21, 2019

Brought to you by the Enrique Skeleton System!

47: King Kong Watch
January 07, 2019

Brought to you by After Life Cryogenics!

46: The Claus Comes Out
December 17, 2018

Brought to you by Red Velvet!