AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

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Comment on Decorating Ideas for a Tuscan Kitchen by Kathy
April 05, 2009

hi very like this article.decorating ideas for Tuscan kitchen......good ideasClick here to play

By: PabeLayelaCen
April 03, 2009

Great site,, I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor :)Click here to play

By: Brian P.
April 02, 2009

Excellent, practical posts. I’ve already “Twittered” it and forwarded your link to my clients to spread through their offices. I always gain from such posts. Thanks for sharingClick here to play

By: Dj Hochzeit
April 02, 2009

very interesting-nice work-greetings from germanyClick here to play

By: Chris
March 27, 2009

This is a really good article about home interiors for pets, something which most often gets overlooked which is a shame as clearly your pet is as much part of your family as anyone else.Click here to play

Moroccan decorating ideas
March 26, 2009

When decorating your home Moroccan style, make sure to use bright natural colors. The colors like green and blue, found in the sea of the area, and the ones like gold and yellow, found in the surrounding desert, should be used as much as possible. You can

Painting Tile Floors – Cheap Interior Decorating
March 25, 2009

Paint for home decorating is not just limited to the walls. You can do so with your tile floors. This is a cheap alternative for replacing the tiles. Paint can make your floor look new and not much effort comes with this easy to do task. If you have dark,

By: Kevin
March 25, 2009

Well, This is a very interesting. I will tell my friend and I'm so sure that they will like this one.Click here to play

Decorating for Pets: Adapt your Interior to Accommodate Pets
March 23, 2009

Pets are important parts of our lives, no matter what type of pet you own. Home owners and decorators alike are taking this into consideration and building and decorating homes around pets. With the following pet decorating tips you can make your home fri

Cheap Decorations: Decorating Ideas for those low on Cash
March 21, 2009

Do it yourself decorations are perfect for this time of economic down trend. However, your home’s aesthetic appeal should not be neglected just because of the credit crunch. Do it your self and find cheap or even free materials. DIY is especially a grea