AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

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Comment on The African Decor Influence: How African Decor Inspires Other Style Trends by Josiane
April 28, 2009

Africa History and culture has always been an inspiration for me as an architect and also designer.Click here to play

I’m so dam tired of whites imitating the best of African Americans have and then?
April 17, 2009

legitamate2000 asked: Pretending that it belongs to them. Music, Art, damce. Hip hop dance competitions can’t even be won by African Americans anymore, because whites have taken it, started their own schools ect. made gave it their white off beat

By: Paul
April 16, 2009

Nice post as a bathroom fitter myself i can give you the two thumbs up :) spacious bathrooms are hard to come accros as you are offtern limited to were you can put things!Click here to play

Comment on African Safari Decor – 8 Ways To Turn A Room Into An African Jungle by Mark
April 15, 2009

I bookmarked this site, Thank you for good job!Click here to play

Test Post
April 11, 2009

Nunc cursus nunc vitae est euismod luctus. Vestibulum egestas tempus odio. Cras imperdiet nibh vel odio! Integer viverra pretium sapien. Curabitur mauris mauris, imperdiet in, interdum ac, venenatis in, nisi. Nunc vel lorem. Fusce pharetra. Aenean nisi pu

Decorating a Bachelor pad
April 11, 2009

Most home design publications are directed at women, but there are many men who want to decorate their homes too. These men are not looking for pastel walls or shelves full of miniatures. They want to avoid floral color schemes but they want something int

By: Reb
April 07, 2009

I have a very small bathroom and I decided to go with the spa look which is very clean line, uncluttered and I guess you could say crisp looking. I have all white tile and fixtures. So I kept the wall color a soft neutral taupe but I added white towels an

African Safari Decor – 8 Ways To Turn A Room Into An African Jungle
April 07, 2009

Here’s a novel idea! For those who can’t make it to the wilds of Africa and experience a safari first hand, how about bringing the safari right to your home. The popularity of African safari decor has been literally exploding in the past few y

African Decor: Most Frequently Asked African Decor Questions
April 07, 2009

African decor continues to grow in popularity because of it’s timeless beauty and elegance. Many people still have doubts about how to choose quality pieces. With so many copycat, fast buck merchants peddling fake, cheap and even phony African Decor

The African Decor Influence: How African Decor Inspires Other Style Trends
April 07, 2009

African decor continues to fuel patterns, styles and designs of interior fashion throughout the world. Year after year the continent of African continues as one of the world’s largest resources of new home decor ideas. The exotic design motifs has t