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Latest Episodes

Count Ya Blessings Chile!
June 25, 2018

Every Breath, every moment and every lesson is a gift. Whether we notice them or not is gag. I live life by enjoying the smalls things and in this episode I will explain why that is so important.

Life as a Empath
June 18, 2018

I ride or die for mine!!! Well I'd rather ride than die. Hear me discuss what an empath is and how I learned I was one of them. Shoot you may be one too...

Single no mingle
June 13, 2018

Dating sucks...lets be real. So when I found myself investing time into WHO i wanted I lost focus on the warning signs and endured heartache. Not anymore! I chose me and decided to be single and celibate (OH LORD!).

Over-Thinking: The Success Killer!
June 11, 2018

Are you starting something new? Entering a new chapter in your life but constantly talking yourself out of your greatness? Yeah, me too, but the jokes on me because I refuse to let life pass me by because I over thought the situation. What would you do? D

I Almost gave up my Dream!!! #OhHellNah
May 29, 2018

Starting the journey to follow my passion is scary and some days I wanna just give up and stick to the status quo. But then what would my life be? Mediocre at best and I just cant do mediocre!

New Me; New Mentality
December 30, 2017

With all the New Years Resolutions one is always looked over. Mental health. There has been a onslaught of situations that are signs of mental disruption or depression. Let’s get our minds right people!!!

December 14, 2017

When to give and when not to give...that is the ? This podcast is sponsored by Anchor

Living Fearless FULL
November 30, 2017

Deciding not to live in fear is scary AF! But you should try it! Living Fearless • Living Fearless • Living Fearless • Living Fearless• This podcast is sponsored by Anchor

Good Team and No Fear
November 27, 2017

Living Fearless This podcast is sponsored by Anchor