Adding Value | New Breed

Adding Value | New Breed

Latest Episodes

Embracing Change | S01 E06
May 24, 2019

Fearing the unknown can hold us back professionally, but overcoming those fears and embracing change can propel our careers to new heights. Join Guido Bartolacci and New Breed’s own Manager of Inside Sales Beth Abbot as they discuss Beth’s journey from m.

The Ever-Expanding Role of Revenue Operations | S01 E05
May 10, 2019

The world of revenue operations has flourished in the past few years. Staying ahead of the curve and developing a solid process has become imperative. Join Guido Bartolacci and New Breed's own Senior Revenue Operations Strategist Pat Buono as they discus.

When and How to Redesign Your Website | S01 E04
April 26, 2019

Knowing the true purpose of your website is the first step to success. Join Guido Bartolacci and New Breed's own Chief Design Officer Chris Mathieu as they discuss the value of a sales-ready website, when to start a website redesign and provide a look in.

The Value of Compelling Content | S01 E03
April 15, 2019

Creating compelling content around your buyer personas’ pain points is crucial to lead generation and conversion. Join demand generation marketer Guido Bartolacci as he discusses content tactics and tips with copywriting and editing expert Karin Krisher.

How to Optimize Your SEO Strategy | S01 E02
April 15, 2019

SEO will make or break your ability to generate leads. In this episode, Guido Bartolacci discusses SEO strategy tips and best practices with New Breed's founding SEO specialist, Everett Ackerman.

Setting Goals and Measuring Success | S01 E01
April 15, 2019

Setting SMART goals is vital to the growth of any business. Join demand generation marketer Guido Bartolacci and New Breed's Lead Inbound Strategist Olivia Perek as they discuss the importance of goals in inbound marketing.
