Addiction Unlimited

Addiction Unlimited

Struggles of Quarantine With K. Preston Moore

October 07, 2020

You may know him from the High Cost of Anonymity podcast, and he is a great friend and confidant to me.

In this episode, we talk about quarantine and how quickly it can take a turn for the worse.

The perfect storm of isolation, fear, being in close quarters with family, a huge amount of change in our routines, schedules, working from home, and our support groups being shut down.

WOW. It's a miracle any of us have survived.

Preston has long-term sobriety, 'knows' all the right things to do, and still struggled through it along with the rest of us.

What I love about this conversation is uncovering the struggle and what it looks like, and struggling doesn't always mean struggling to stay clean and sober.

It means struggling to feel good, struggling to cope, fighting off those old thought processes and behaviors that had me overwhelmed with anger and fear and bitterness all the time. Being in quarantine pushed us all to our limits and the craziness and restrictions of the coronavirus has forced us all to explore a new normal.

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