Addiction Unlimited

Addiction Unlimited

Building A Strong Foundation For Recovery: Friends, Fellowship & Support

November 20, 2019


EP082- When it comes to your life, I know you want to live with confidence as the sober and best version of yourself. In order to do that you need a community of support.

Not only to support you in your recovery, but to walk with you along the way.

In my early recovery I had my 'crew'. We did everything together as sober friends- we supported one another in making good, healthy choices, we built a strong foundation to support a long-lasting sober life, and we had FUN! Recovery doesn't have to be hard. There are a few key things you have to do and in this episode I talk with one of my original crew about our early sobriety and some of the most important pieces of a strong and powerful recovery lifestyle.

The problem is, you may think you can do it on your own. Then you relapse and are filled with anxiety, feeling out of control, and angry at yourself. It feels wrong that you can't get a handle on this, and it is.

You don't have to do it alone, or figure it out alone, and you shouldn't. It took me some time to find my 'crew' but it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Having that camaraderie and having people to laugh with, to share the journey and rebuild life with- it's invaluable.

You deserve to live an incredible life.

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