Addiction Unlimited

Addiction Unlimited

Sobriety & Self-Sabotage: Limiting Beliefs and How They Affect Your Sobriety

August 07, 2019


Do you sometimes feel like you are sabotaging your own sobriety and life? You get some sober time under your belt and start feeling pretty good, then all of a sudden you find yourself drunk again, hating life, wondering how the heck this happened. Self-sabotage is a phrase we hear often, especially as addicts.

In this episode, we'll talk about the 3 stages of belief with clear examples of what they look like, how to recognize them, and show you how to transition from not believing you can ever live successfully sober and happy, to believing anything is possible for you.

This may not sound like it's part of the getting sober process, but your beliefs shape your reality. If you don't truly believe you are capable of living a life without alcohol, then how far will you really make it? If you quit drinking, but are overwhelmed with doubt about staying sober, how long will you stay sober?

These 3 stages of belief are important to recognize in everything we do. Getting honest about where you are is the only thing that will allow you to move forward and accomplish more. Whether that's longer sobriety, less anxiety in sobriety, better relationships, or making more money at your job. Go from impossible to possible to probable, right now.

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