Action's Antidotes
Believing in Yourself and Achieve the Life You Want with Janet Langmeier
To live a fulfilling life requires bravery and a willingness to make choices and embrace the changes that may come with them, such as starting a new job, changing careers, moving to a new location, or making relationships. How can we have the confidence to make these decisions and believe that they are achievable?
In this episode, we are joined by Janet Langmeier, the founder of Phoenix Soaring International. Janet shares her incredible story and the philosophy she lives by that everyone is worthy of the life they desire. With over four decades of experience, Janet has helped countless people overcome their limitations and achieve remarkable success.
Join us as we learn from her wisdom and discover how we too can believe in ourselves and create the life we truly deserve.
Listen to the podcast here:
Believing in Yourself and Achieve the Life You Want with Janet Langmeier
Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less, and one of the key themes of pretty much every episode of this podcast and how it all comes together, it’s all about the mindset. In order to achieve the life that you truly want, what you really desire, a truly joyous life, to quote my guest today, you need to believe it’s possible. You need to think it’s possible, you need to have the right self-talk, and you need to think about the right things. My guest today, Janet Langmeier, is the founder of Phoenix Soaring Intl and a facilitator of the Mastery Mindset Coaching Services.
Welcome, Janet, to the program.
Thank you, Stephen. Thank you for having me. I’m glad to be here.
Oh, yeah, thank you for coming on my podcast and for the workshop in which we met at a few weeks ago at the Mind Body and Spirit Expo. So, Janet, let’s start a little bit about your story because you’re all about what your self-talk is, what you’re thinking about, and what you really believe is possible and making it possible through your thoughts. Is there a background you come from that led you to investigate all these things and want to facilitate it for others?
That’s a loaded question, Stephen.
I know, I know. I was like ---
Of course, the answer is yes but it’s not that simple.
Oh, yeah, of course. If it was just yes, this wouldn’t be a podcast.
Well, studying what we what might have been in my day considered esoteric things. I’ve always been interested in what drives us, what’s going on inside. The inside of life has always been very, very interesting to me from the time I was very young. And so reading things that a lot of other people didn’t read back when I was a kid opened my mind to think differently, I guess. I did a lot of the normal eight-to-five and what other people expect for a long period of my life, for enough decades that got that down, got that down really, really ---
So you know what that’s about, fully know what the eight-to-five is about.
Yeah, and I had a lot of success but I worked really hard and I made some choices that were not easy because I was raising children at the same time and I was working and I look at the younger people today and the choices that they make and I just applaud how so often they know how to make choices that support their life as opposed to I felt like I had to do that, I had to do this, there was no other choice for me. And yet that didn’t align with the things I studied and the things I believed in. And, one day, you know, we all have our one day, right?
Well, the one day that I really, really knew that something had to change, I was driving to a job that I was very good at and I liked and everything, I was on the Boulder turnpike, as a matter of fact, and I had my daughter in my ear, I was listening to her talking to me, and I get to the exit to go to my job and I started having a panic attack.
Oh my.
And my daughter could hear it and she’s like,