Action's Antidotes

Action's Antidotes

How Tech Is Changing the Hiring Process in 2022 and Beyond with Alex Svinov

November 28, 2022

The sole focus on experience and professional skills is no longer the typical approach when it comes to how employers evaluate job candidates with technology. The change to using skill-based talent assessment tools is what businesses are after for. It's not a question of if technology is changing the employment environment anymore; rather, it's a question of how.  What does the significant change in the hiring procedure imply for prospective developers and staffing industries?

In this week’s episode, Insquad Co-Founder and CEO Alex Svinov tackles us with his platform that helps from small to large tech business to save time on finding developers, software engineers, and programmers. 

Insquad is an IT services company with a focus on offering excellent remote software developers from all over the world to United States and Europe companies. Insquad runs coding exercises and coding tests to prove their skills which is vital in hiring a developer. 

If you are looking to hire remote software-developers, listen to this podcast on Actions-Antidote.

Listen to the podcast here:

How Tech Is Changing the Hiring Process in 2022 and Beyond with Alex Svinov
Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. We all know the workforce is changing and some of the concepts around hiring, retaining, and developing a good talent team is also changing quite a bit and one frustration that I think a lot of people have experienced over the past several years, in particular, even though that may be changing a bit in more recent times, is the challenge that often comes with trying to find good development talent. As you know, nearly every business, nearly every company, anyone that’s trying to do anything, needs to have a functioning website, needs to have some kind of a web presence, and a lot of other businesses are increasingly using data, data analytics, artificial intelligence, everything that comes from these development teams so development has become a really highly sought after talent base, especially senior developers, developers with certain expert level expertise, experience that can really jump in and solve your problem. My guest today, Alex Svinov, has a platform that helps small- to medium-sized businesses from startup to the mid-sized find remote senior development talent, something that I think we can all appreciate being a little bit easier.

Alex, welcome to the program.


Hey, Stephen, thanks for inviting me, great to be here. Hello, everybody. 


Thank you for joining. And let’s start out with what goes on, I think a lot of people are familiar with but maybe some aren’t, the challenge in finding development talent, whether it be a person to just build and maintain your website or a several-member team that has certain areas of expertise, like certain programming languages or domain expertise.


Yeah, I think the challenge in finding a great developer or building development team primarily lies in the part of evaluating and finding the right talents for your team, because everybody who’s been doing software development knows that there are no two identical developers out there. Even though they may be having the same stack, having the same experience, they will still be different type of person, actually different type of code writing pattern, and so on and so forth, and I guess the key problem there is that, to be successful in each and every team, you need a different type of developer. Some teams need somebody who’s doing a lot of coding, some of them do somebody who is very good in architecture, and so on and so forth. And then, essentially, what ends up with technical teams spending a lot of time interviewing candidates just to find the right person. This is what essentially we at Insquad are doing is that we’re trying to shorten this period so that the technical team spend less time interviewing candidates. We do that before them.