Action's Antidotes
Importance of Virtual Appearance in Your Everyday Business With Shelley Golden
It is without a doubt that we consequently spend most of our time in the virtual world. Especially at the start of the pandemic, the reality for us all has been spending hours with our personal gadgets. Video calls have become our new channel in order to stay connected. We shop with just one tap and follow other people across the globe through the use of social media platforms. Whether you use it for school, work, business, or entertainment, it's undeniable that the virtual world has been our refuge amidst all the uncertainties.
With that comes the aesthetics and appearance that all of us should maintain online. Even business owners have no excuse for this one. It's important to step up our branding by showcasing creativity and uniqueness so that we become noticeable. Today's guest is an expert on that matter. Shelly Golden from Shelly Golden Style Zoom Makeovers, will walk you through her tips and tricks on how to look your best. Shelly helps you attain better results in both your professional and social life so be sure to catch her in today’s talk.
Listen to the podcast here:
Importance of Virtual Appearance in Your Everyday Business With Shelley Golden
Welcome to Action's Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. One of the ways that I envision a lot of you out there listening are going to get to the level you want to be at, achieve the life that you really want, is identifying a need that wasn't previously there or few people were really thinking about, identifying something new, forging a really, truly new, unique path. Identifying new needs and taking action on it is a fantastic way to really live a life that you really want to live, something that my guest today, Shelley Golden, of Shelly Golden Style Zoom Makeovers has done fairly recently.
Shelly, welcome to the program.
Thank you. Super glad to be here.
Definitely. Let's start out with Zoom Makeovers. What does this entail because even though a lot of us have spent a little over two years, spending more time on Zoom than we ever imagined ourselves doing? I'm sure a lot of people are not familiar with the idea of what a Zoom makeover
A Zoom makeover is literally tweaking, transforming everything that you see in your Zoom box – a five-step process to really go through camera angle, sound, lighting.
Lighting is the most important factor. What color clothing works best on you in your space? Your real background -- is it a virtual background? Are you in your garage? Are you in your kitchen? Says so much about you.
For those who wear makeup, this is crazy, what I call Zoom's specific makeup techniques. It's the way you put it on, which is not the same way you would put it on if you're going on the street. People are looking at you on a two-dimensional platform, but you're trying to create a three-dimensional look and work everything that you see in the box. It's almost like creating a new painting. Where does your eye go first, which of course you want to go right here to the other person's eyes, and eliminate distractions. Increase engagement, trust, and credibility, and eliminate distractions.
Obviously, a Zoom makeover takes on a different form than a standard makeover, where you're making over primarily what's on your body. Now, we can talk about the concept of an emotional makeover and all these other types of internal makeover. When people think of makeovers, they usually think of what they're wearing on the face, makeup, clothing, everything like that. A Zoom makeover is the overall purpose, how you present yourselves to people -- the same or is there a different purpose because of what people do on Zoom versus what people do, say when you're out in public, at a restaurant, or somewhere else, and you're going through the regular makeover process.
Look at what story you're telling yourself and then look for places where you could reframe the story....