Action's Antidotes

Action's Antidotes

Changing the World One Wind Turbine at a Time with Chris Moore

April 27, 2022

Wind energy, also known as wind power, refers to how wind turbines transform the movement of wind into electricity. Humans use this wind flow for different purposes: flying kites, sailing boats, pumping water, and generating electricity. With wind turbines, you can convert the energy of the moving wind into electricity. Domestic wind resources for electric power generation are a great way to stabilize energy costs, enhance energy security, and improve our environment.

Our guest for today is Chris Moore, founder of Harmony Turbines. And he’s on the show to give out facts on how sustainable energy is an effective way to save our environment and stray away from the harmful impact that other power supplies emit. Chris is always on the lookout for sustainable ways to reduce carbon footprint and preserve the earth for future generations.

Listen to the podcast here:

Changing the World One Wind Turbine at a Time with Chris Moore
Welcome to Actions-Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. We all face challenges in life. We face individual challenges. We face someone [inside a level]. Whenever we do encounter challenges, there's a few different responses we can take. Some of them that we see a lot are unhealthy, on the extremes a little bit -- unhealthy or disempowering, I'd say. That is first, on one end, to deny that a problem really exists or deny its significance, deny the challenge. On the other end, there are people who tend to adapt a doom-and-gloom type of response to it. They're willing to accept a reduction in their quality of life or some sort of other negative consequence from it. They just hide their heads in shame. In between those extremes, or in a much more healthy way, we can actually look to these problems and empower ourselves. We can empower ourselves and say, "Okay, what can we do about it? What can I do to help? Is there some way we can innovate, some way we can use our brains?"

My guest today is someone who has taken this approach to one of our biggest challenges that we have right now, which is climate change and sustainable energy use. Today's guest is Chris Moore, the founder of Harmony Turbines.
Chris, welcome to the program.


Thank you, Steve. Glad to be here.


Thank you, Chris. First of all, tell us about Harmony Turbines. Tell us about what you're doing for our energy use.


We're trying to just basically bring a product to the market that doesn't exist there today. You'll see small wind turbines out on Amazon and eBay where people can buy a do-it-yourself kit, put it together, and hope that they get some usage for their home. There's really no kits that are good enough for the average homeowner to build, to put into use, and to actually see a return. You can then step up to the level where you have a company come in and do it, and those can range anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000 to do it. The likely payback on those has been as bad as 30 years in many cases. 

These companies will prey on the fact that, "In your area, you don't have really great wind or anything, so we're going to bump you up to the 20-kilowatt turbine. That way, when you do get some wind, you'll make up for it in those times." Steve, it's all hogwash. There's so many misconceptions. There's so much bad information out there. It's just unbelievable. 

Harmony Turbines is a small company. It's about trying to finally bring a product to market that just makes sense -- convenience, ease of use, features, and costsClick To Tweet

Those are the four things that we're going after to try and balance for a proper product to bring to market.


It sounds like what you're saying is that the current wind energy technology doesn't really work for the average homeowners, especially the average urban/suburban dweller, maybe someone in a condo, and Harmony Turbines, your product, makes a feasible product where most people who own homes can utilize wind energy...