Action's Antidotes
The Benefits Of Building A Genuine Business Community With Tracy Card
As society evolves in isolation and moves away from in-person work set-ups, it has become more of a challenge to build a strong, genuine business community. Tracy Card, president of Elevated Results Group, talks about how this growing network has helped many businesspeople develop relationships and gain opportunities. Unlike other networking groups, they have maintained a positive environment and expanded each person’s reach while keeping that genuine yet professional connections with people from various industries. In this episode, Tracy talks about the Elevated Results experience and how members benefit from their approach.
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The Benefits Of Building A Genuine Business Community With Tracy Card
Those of you who have read some of my episodes know that I have a strong interest in community everywhere. I go around me. I see the results of the lack of community. When I look at some of these horrible outcomes such as depression, anxiety, drug addiction, suicide and violence, I see the results of loneliness, isolation and lack of community. Oftentimes, when people think about community, they think about the community that we once had. One of the things that I often struggle with this vision of community is that sometimes, it seems to require some of the restrictiveness that we had in the last century. A lot of people will tell me, “The only time I had community is when I had a rigid 9:00 to 5:00, everyone in the office work schedule.”
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That's something that our society is most definitely moving away from. There are some definite mental health benefits to us moving toward a more flexible and fluid work schedule. That's why I'm hoping to find a whole new way to approach and find community. I was pleasantly surprised when I first attended a group known as the Elevated Results network. I hopped on a Zoom call because everything is remote here during the pandemic. The first thing I noticed was the members were frequent guests that were talking amongst each other seem to have a genuine community-like understanding of each other's lives. It has become the community where you can walk up to someone and you don't have to always be on or always be playing catch up. You are saying, “How did fill-in-the-blank whatever your latest endeavor go?” I have as my guest Tracy Card the leader of the Elevated Results Network Group for a couple of years.
Tracy, thank you for joining us.
Thank you so much for having me, Stephen. I appreciate it.
The first question I had on my mind is, how did you go about getting this community? You inherited it in 2014 from another former leader but how does this community revolve? How does it work? How do people stay in the known each of their lives?
Thank you so much for asking about this group. I'm a leader since 2014 and it is a community. That's a great word for it. We do know each other's lives. We care about each other not only personal lives but definitely in business life. How can we help each other succeed? Expand each other's circles of influence. It's a lot different from many other groups. I was the same way when I first met this group that you felt and I knew this is my home.