

Latest Episodes

Coping with overload
April 25, 2009

Feeling overwhelmed We’ve all felt those undeniable feelings: total and utter exhaustion, apathy, emotional shutdown and numbness; no energy, combined with mental and physical meltdown. It ain’t pretty and it sure as hell ain’t fun. Take a sledgeham

Life’s Rollercoaster Ride
April 24, 2009

This is the high-energy follow-up to the previous podcast 'Blindsided by Anger?' Sometimes it feels like we're swinging from one extreme to the other - one moment careening towards a crash, and a moment later, struggling up the mountain without a clear v

Over tracking / under tracking and motivation
April 24, 2009

In coaching we often talk about tracking your progress as you work towards your goals. It’s a vital step to be able to see the progress you have made so that you can:- Congratulate yourself on real progress that may have gone unnoticed Make course

Blindsided by Anger?
April 23, 2009

It can be hard enough to talk about or express positive feelings like love and gratitude, let alone harsher or more 'negative' feelings like anger, frustration and hurt. Do you bottle them up? Do you cry them out? If you've ever felt blindsided by strong

The secret to discovering your ultimate motivation
April 18, 2009

It’s so easy for all of us to ‘lose our motivation’ at times. Sometimes this lull lasts for a few days, but typically it lasts for much longer than we want and it starts to become part of us, like a burden we carry. There may have been s

Celebrating the 5000th download of our motivational podcasts
April 17, 2009

THANK YOU SO MUCH ! We are very excited to announce that today, Friday 17 April 2009, Action Podcast enjoyed its 5000th download! To celebrate, we are offering our listeners a fantastic, motivational offer –  4 FREE telephone coaching sessions with an

Family coaching with expert Alan Wilson
April 13, 2009

Are you finding it increasingly difficult to communicate with your children? Do you spend more time trying to control and discipline than talking with and listening to them? If you are feeling disempowered as a parent, then this podcast may well be the an

Dealing with negative people
April 12, 2009

Once again from recent experiences with Twitter Paul finds himself discussing them on the Podcast. This time Paul and Gina cover dealing with negative people without having your head in the clouds, or sand for that matter!

Happiness is…
April 11, 2009

MOST OF US know that happiness really does come from within – not without. Our acquisitive culture has made us only too aware of the transient nature of short-term, external fixes. Like a Chinese meal, we’re all too often left hungry after feastin

Can You Help Me?
April 09, 2009

Asking for help seems to be one of those dying arts. Something we've lost touch with the ability to do. We feel uncomfortable and vulnerable; and like we've failed or can't handle the pressure. But when it's offered, we're suspicious of the motive. Whils