

Latest Episodes

The Emotional Impact of Falling Behind
September 26, 2010

A major area of stress in our lives in trying to cope with 'all the things that need to get done'. The challenges of trying to keep up with it all can be compounded when you start to feel guilty or overworked by constantly trying to catch up. In this pod

How to: Work Smarter Not Harder
September 19, 2010

Do you find the mis-communication is causing confusion, or even worse the total lack of communication is resulting in duplication or work? When is the last time you reviewed your communication with your fellow workers? More specifically do you take cont

The Dance of a Social Butterfly
September 12, 2010

Meeting new people in any situation can inspire a mixture of fear, excitement, nervousness and anticipation - depending on how easily we cope with the dance of the social butterfly. And even if you enjoy a chance to socialise, it isn't always a bed of ros

Learning from the Best!
September 05, 2010

Whether you are wanting to try something new (and don't know where to start, or are worried you might not be good at it) or whether you are wanting to improve on something you are already doing, there is no point reinventing the wheel if someone has alrea

Different Ways of Doing Things
August 29, 2010

We all have different ways of approaching a task, particularly if it is something we've not done before. Paul and Sam explore the possibilities of asking "How to...?" do something - whether it is drawing, cooking or starting a podcast! From opening a Pan

Two Magic Words That Will Give You Focus
August 22, 2010

Are you moving towards your main goals, dreams or priorities? Or does it feel like there is just so much going on in your life at the moment, that it's hard to tell whether you are coming or going! By using just two magic words you can cut through all the

Quick Confidence Boost
August 15, 2010

Even if you are one of the most confident people you know, chances are every so often you'll need a quick way to give yourself a quick confidence boost. In this episode Chris and Paul cover a few tips and tricks you can use to help you get through some of

Using Social Networking Groups
August 08, 2010

Both Gina and Paul have recently been doing the rounds in networking groups. These are local groups of people that meet up in our area to share business ideas and network. Some of the groups we tried were:- BNI Athena Toast Masters Drinks and Links

Breakthrough inspired by Tony Robbins
August 01, 2010

Breakthrough with Tony Robbins is a new series being shown in the USA on NBC. It inspired Chris and Paul to talk about what a breakthrough is and how even the most simple changes can result in a dramatic change. This change may not be apparent immediately

Eat that Frog in Action
July 26, 2010

Do you procrastinate? Of course you do! We all do and that is one of the things that [amazon ASIN="0340835044"]Brian Tracy's book "Eat That Frog"[/amazon] takes into account. Sam and Paul talk about their own personal journey after reading the book and re