Coffee with the College

Latest Episodes
Episode 30: Member spotlight – Chris Hasse, CAO, Mayo Clinic Health System
Join us for a conversation with Chris Hasse, Chief Administrative Office of Mayo Clinic Health System, as he shares his career journey. In this podcast, Chris discusses the topic of work-life integrat
Episode 29: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is dramatically changing the environment of healthcare and becoming one of the fastest evolving topics in the news today. During this podcast our guest Ylan Kazi Chief Data
Episode 28: Retaining Talent – What Got You Here Won’t Get You to The Future
The needs of todays workforce are more varied than ever before. With options for remote, hybrid and on-site work; flexible schedules, and more . . . matching a companys workforce strategy to employ
Episode 27: Project Management Gone Awry
Project Management Gone Awry is the focus of this podcast with Scott Leavell, Managing Partner of Healthcare Program Advisors. The podcast explores which challenges in project management are more man
Episode 26 : From Quiet Quitting to Showing Up Loudly: Cultivating the Practice of Connecting to Your Purpose
Lets move from quiet quitting to showing up loudly and boldly at work. A discipline of contemplative practice provides self-awareness and can center you in your work. A dedication to contemplati
Episode 25: Futurist – Ian Morrison – Part 2
This is the second of two podcasts with Ian Morrison, an internationally known author, consultant, and futurist who specializes in long-term forecasting and planning with a particular emphasis on heal
Episode 24: Futurist – Ian Morrison – Part 1
Todays episode is the first of two with Ian Morrison. Ian is an internationally known author, consultant, and futurist who specializes in long-term forecasting and planning with a particular emphasi
Episode 23: Working Parents: Michelle Yu
During this months podcast, were departing from our usual discussions of healthcare leadership and industry issues to talk about a topic that impacts healthcare personnel. The experience of being a
Episode 22: Quarterly Spotlight: Bill Santulli
Bill Santulli, president of the Midwest Region of Advocate Health, is our quarterly spotlight guest. In this podcast, Bill provides thoughtful insights into the internal values compass that guides hi
Episode 21 – Part 1: Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)
This podcast is the first of several we will be featuring on the topic of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, also known as JEDI. Were fortunate in Wisconsin to have several strong healthcare