Academic Pediatrics Podcast
Latest Episodes
Autonomy is not the absence of supervision
Dr. Goldstein shares lessons from her article, "A Qualitative Exploration of Pediatric Resident Perceptions of Autonomy in the Era of Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship" discussing factors supporting and compromising resident autonomy and how fellows
In the Moment: Reality Check - Julieana Nichols
Dr. Nichols reads her article "Reality Check". Full article is available here:
Exploring pediatric resident autonomy with qualitative methods
Dr. Melissa Klein interviews Doctors Sarah Lynn Hilgenberg and Su-Ting Li on the use of qualitative methods in educational research. This discussion is based on a recent publication by Goldstein et al
In the Moment: Heart to Heart - Ruchi Kaushik
Dr. Kaushik reads her in the moment piece available here:
Nuts and Bolts: Section Introduction and Feedback
Dr. Scott-Vernaglia interviews John Mahan and Teri Turner on the Nuts and Bolts section in Academic Pediatrics and give important tips for giving effective feedback.Call for Nuts and Bolts:
In the Moment: Trust in Uncertainty - Cara Texler
Dr. Texler reads her in the moment piece available here:
Good Data Comes From Well Designed Surveys
Dr. Sabrina Ben-Zion and Dr. Monique Naifeh discuss survey design and important methods of distribution for pediatric educators. Read more here:
In the Moment: I Heard Your Voice - Julie Schlegel
Dr. Julie Schlegel reads her in the moment piece.
Introducing In the Moment
Dr. Terry Kind introduces the In the Moment section from Academic Pediatrics which will become a regular feature in this podcast. In the Moment is the personal narratives section of Academic Pediatric
Antiracism Education Special Issue Part 2: Eleven Innovations
Authors of 11 innovations describe theireducational innovations focused on combating racism. Innovations are published in Academic Pediatrics.The full issue is available here: https://www.academicp