A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Latest Episodes

The Stabenow Surprise
January 05, 2023

In Washington D.C., Republicans are a hot mess with two former Michigan congressmen waiting in the wings as a possible solution.In Michigan a political shocker. Even as Democrats take full contro

Holiday Special – Corruption Dejá Vu
December 28, 2022

More than 100 years ago, George Satayana wrote those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. When it comes to political scandals it is especially true. So today, some Michigan political history

Who Will Go to Jail?
December 23, 2022

The recounts show what we all knew: Michigans elections were fair, and the vote counts accurate. - Michigan has a major supporting role in the January 6 final report with evidence that could put so

And the (pointless) Recounts Keep on Coming!
December 15, 2022

Jeff and Mark are traveling this week as we record the "pre-criminal-referrals" episode of the podcast. - Jeff is getting the better end of the deal! He's in Nashville where leaders of the Lincoln Pro

Recount Tinfoil Hats and Other Insanities
December 08, 2022

Lame ducks, federal subpoenas re: Michigan's 2020 election, a Supreme Court hearing on ending democratic elections, another court hearing on the lawyers who pushed the BIg Lie in Michigan, a bizarre f

Keep Building – Or Fail! (Guests: Amy Chapman, Jon Hoadley)
December 02, 2022

Donald Trump may be drawing a lot of heat for his Ye-Dinner with white nationalist Nick Fuentes at his Mar-A-Lago crime scene, but his acolytes in Michigan appear to be firmly in control of the state

The People’s Lawyer (Guest: Attorney General Dana Nessel)
November 23, 2022

On this week's podcast: - In Lansing, Democrats are quickly and quietly putting in place their leadership structure as they prepare to take control of both chambers. In Washington, its just the oppos

A New Hope (Guest: Sen. Jeremy Moss)
November 16, 2022

Welcome to 2024! The dust is still settling from last week's mid-term elections (especially among the shell-shocked GOP), but Donald Trump's inevitable campaign is now official ... greeted by theNew

The End of the Beginning – Analyzing the 2022 Mid-term Election
November 10, 2022

It was supposed to be a nationwide Red Wave, but nationally turned into a Pink Drizzle and (in Michigan) a Blue Tsunami. Mark and Jeff analyze an election that Re-elected the Governor, Secretary of S

The Final Days (guest: Chad Livengood)
November 03, 2022

It's down to the last days and hours until Election Day. With more than 1.1-million votes already cast, the turnout likely will come close to the record mid-term election of 2018. The outcome is defin