A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Latest Episodes

Gun Fight
March 15, 2023

Clearing the field for Slotkin, a battle over worker rights (including a potential petition drive) and a homeless GOP. That tops the conversation this week. - Mark and Jeff focus, however, on the driv

March Madness (Guest: Saul Anuzis)
March 09, 2023

Yes, it's theMarch Madness edition of A Republic, If You Can Keep It. This year, the orgy of college basketball is joined by the madness that is Tucker Carlson and Fox News, along with the incred

2nd Anniversary Edition (Guest: Corey Dukes)
March 02, 2023

Contact Us! - This weekend marks the beginning of our third year with the podcast. This is show Number 108 since we kicked off our weekly chat with columnist Bill Kristol. Since then, we have had the

“RIP Michigan GOP” (Guest: Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet)
February 22, 2023

Just when we thought Michigan Republicans couldnt edge further into the chasm of conspiracy theory crazy, the once Grand Old Party bypasses Trump-and-Pillow-Guy endorsed Matt DePerno for party chair

Welcome to the Nut House (Guest: AFL CIO President Ron Bieber)
February 15, 2023

The horror of this week at Michigan State University casts a cloud over our state, and especially the campus just five miles east of the Capitol building. It was the 67th mass shooting in the first 46

Promoting the Vote (Guest: House Elections Chair Penelope Tsernoglou)
February 10, 2023

The State of the Union becomes a soft launch for the Biden reelection campaign; the Governors budget takes full advantage of a massive state surplus; Michigan is officially in the first tier of presi

Follow the Money (Guests: Lisa Gilbert & Gabe Lezra)
February 01, 2023

The first million-selling hit from Motown is our theme this week. (RIP Barrett Strong, 1941-2023) - Virtually all political scandals involve either seeking greater power, or money. This weeks discuss

#MichiganGrit (Guest: Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks)
January 26, 2023

Topping the political news this week: the Governor delivers a populist State of the State message, with Democrats in the Legislature cheering repeatedly and Republican members sitting on their hands

MAGA Mania (Guest: Denver Riggleman)
January 18, 2023

Weve got a MAGA alert agenda this week: Michigan Republicans have a battle of election deniers for chair of their party. Some top Michigan Republicans want to draft charisma-challenged Florida Go

The Domino Effect
January 12, 2023

The Michigan Legislatures 2023 session has officially started. Democrats, now controlling both chambers for the first time in 40 years, have already introduced a raft of high-priority bills. And the