Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Latest Episodes

Day 2: Embracing Your Inner Magician
April 09, 2024

Just like the Magician in the Tarot, we are fully equipped to manifest our realities.

22 Day Psychic Cleanse Day 1: Let the Adventure Begin!
April 08, 2024

Welcome to Day 1 of your Spring Psychic Cleanse journey!Today marks the beginning of something wonderful, and Im thrilled youve decided to embark on this adventure with me!

12 Days of Manifesting Miracles – Day 2: Imagination
January 02, 2024

Secret Weapon Manifesting Tool. I bet you think Im talking about creating a vision board. Im not. Yes, its one visual tool to keep your dreams and intentions in plain site, but Im talking about s

12 Days of Manifesting Miracles – Day 1: Desire
January 02, 2024

The new year is traditionally the time to set new intentions and goals. Winter gives us the time to reflect and rest while the longer days increase our appetites. It's the perfect time to unlock the m

How You’re Blocking Your Healing and How to Allow It Instead
April 21, 2022

https://youtu.be/UKCh0fAVJzM Well-being is the nature of the Universe. If all healing at the levels of mind, body, and spirit is self-healing, how come some people heal while others don't? Are

How to use Feng Shui for Manifesting
March 04, 2022

https://youtu.be/2U6mV7403Tg Does your environment matter when you're manifesting? Absolutely, it does! And get this... you're manifesting right now! The question is, "What are you manifesting

What Messes Up Your Manifestations?
January 27, 2022

https://youtu.be/o8z2T7WGI0E I'm sure you can relate to this: It's a new year and you have new inspired dreams, desires, and goals! You feel big changes bubbling up inside and think to yourself, "

Manifesting Step 3: ALLOW
January 05, 2022

https://youtu.be/GnvkTUNBqaM Manifesting anything requires receptivity or allowing on your part. How can a manifestation come through if you don't allow it? You may think you're receptive, but are

Manifesting Step 2: ALIGN
January 05, 2022

https://www.youtube.com/embed/s2o9wdmKh54 What is Alignment? Alignment is everything when it comes to manifesting. In Step 1 of the Manifesting Process, you asked for what you wanted. You wrote
